Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Philosophy of religion Argument according to Pascals Wager on the belief in God
The faith in the presence of God is combative in the philosophical area. In the philosophical contention introduced by the book, Pascal’s Wager, by Jeff Jordan with respect to the presence and work of God, it rises that people’s faith in God is frequently improved without anyone else premiums as opposed to the ceaseless want to acknowledge and gain proof that God exists through reasoning.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Philosophy of religion: Argument as indicated by Pascal’s Wager on the confidence in God explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Human creatures have the ceaseless personal responsibility to accept that God exists in order to satisfy their passionate, mental and natural wants. Sensible contentions on the presence of God are along these lines considered unclear in improving the conviction that God exists (Jordan, 13). Individuals put stock in God’s presence and his great deeds The methodology additionally ass ists with satisfying the profound wants and desires for human instinct. In any case, I completely article to this contention because of my solid conviction that putting stock in God as a methods for satisfying personal matters could be obscure and confounding (Jordan 18).Reasoning and abusing every scholarly ability ought to be a significant core value for understanding the presence of God. This complaint depends on the way that Wager battles that God is unfathomable. The viewpoint contends that it is protected and human to place one’s expectations in God as opposed to on natural creatures. Individuals who have faith in God and are prepared to recognize his quality in their lives are more secure since in the outcome that God really exists; the individuals who put stock in him would go to paradise while the individuals who don't trust in his reality would get lost. In any case, in the inevitability that God doesn't exist, the individuals who put stock in him and the individual s who don't have faith in him would not lose anything. The creator centers around recognizing fundamental human attributes that characterize human conduct and reaction to challenges. Concentrating on satisfying profound personal matters is a central part of perceiving the nearness of God throughout everyday life (Jordan 9). Complaint The faith in God that depends on the overarching proof of his reality is a significant way to deal with living an all the more satisfying, attractive, cherished and upbeat life. The conviction is a methods for guaranteeing that people’s contentions about God’s presence don't stay to be insignificant fantasies. Proof based contentions help to fortify the way that favor, gifts and beauty that originate from God have the capacity of changing human life. The ascribes likewise help to accentuate the way that personal circumstances could be misinforming because of the probability of the interests being unique. The variety could happen because of an adjustment in conditions, condition, circumstances, winning practices, social and strict convictions and issues identified with one’s devout section. The peril with trusting in God’s presence dependent on the intrigue on our personal matters is a test that lies on the undefined supposition that all individuals know the â€Å"god†in question.Advertising Looking for article on religion religious philosophy? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, all things considered, not all individuals have an away from of who God truly is. All things considered, relatively few individuals have confidence in God. Truth be told, certain individuals wouldn't fret whether God’s presence has any effect on the sort of lives they live. Individuals have the failure to accept that God exists. In spite of the fact that God is broadly accepted to be a heavenly being, individuals have consistently neglected to trust in his deeds because of absence of proof on his reality. This reality has confused the requirement for people to oblige various contentions on the job and spot of God in human life. Qualities and shortcomings In his contention, the writer reliably figures out how to place into thought the different contentions previously set up by different writers as to the conviction and presence of God. In accordance with the above investigation, it obvious that human instinct and the presence of God are interlinked issues. The author’s contention likewise acknowledges the way that human life is consecrated and the confidence in God is a significant profound issue of concern. These issues are basic as they plainly uncover the reason for which individuals exist and the crucial job that God has put in people’s lives. Inability to strengthen the noteworthiness of confiding in reason uncovers the shortcoming of the contention that personal circumstances ought to consistently be the core value for our confidence in the presence of God. This contention neglects to comprehend the way that paying little mind to one’s way to deal with issues of God, dependence on the wide range idea of belief in higher powers without harping on a particular convention could prompt unwarranted philosophical ends. The ownership of great contentions on humankind is acceptable however it has the chance of undermining human conviction. The creator has neglected to recognize the way that human instinct ought to be comprehended using an objective methodology. The nearness of God or any heavenly being in life ought to never be controlled by human wants yet rather by thinking. It ought to likewise be guided by the understanding that life has an establishment that must be best characterized by understanding the job of God and starting point of humankind. Vulnerabilities in the motivation behind humankind, reason, science, religion and suspicion ought to be conceptualized by individuals wh o continually endeavor to obtain proof of the presence of God. Confidence in the presence of God is an elective that presents the best great. It's anything but a balanced methods for understanding the presence of God. The confidence in the presence of God dependent on people’s personal responsibility is a methodology that is dependent upon control. Similarly as people’s lives and ways to deal with life are unique, so are their personal matters. Inability to clarify the particular strict conventions in which the part of having confidence in God is established is considered as otherworldly ignorance.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Philosophy of religion: Argument as indicated by Pascal’s Wager on the faith in God explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More This viewpoint is achieved by the need of satisfying personal circumstances. It is viewed as a superior option in contrast to a conviction that depends on the current proof. Th is idea stays to be a genuine test. Despite the fact that it could be in any person’s enthusiasm to put stock in God, Jordan (13) is of the view that absence of any steady thought of the need to accept or not to have faith in God with no evidence of his deeds is an inadmissible methodology. Endless discipline, prize and satisfaction of personal circumstance because of trusting in God’s presence ought to never be a propelling element towards putting stock in God. What the creator says The creator is probably going to state that God doesn't generally enjoy what individuals state or think. To support his contention, the creator would state that it is through tending to personal circumstance that individuals would best comprehend and accordingly have confidence in God. To the creator, losing something because of confused confidence is superior to having faith in God without tending to one’s personal matters. Tragically, this reaction would not be satisfactory. The r eaction would not help in tending to both the inborn and outward needs of individuals as to religion and the faith in God. It is imperative to completely misuse discernment and capacity to reason and obtain a certified conviction that God exists. Works Cited Jordan, Jeff. Pascal’s Wager: Pragmatic Arguments and Belief in God, University of Delaware, Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 2006.Print. This exposition on Philosophy of religion: Argument as indicated by Pascal’s Wager on the faith in God was composed and presented by client Cindy Calhoun to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for examination and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; notwithstanding, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pearl Harbor ( history ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Pearl Harbor ( history ) - Essay Example Research proposes that the United States had been blocking coded messages, one of which examined the designs for the assault. Other data insinuated that President Roosevelt needed to enter the war lastly had an explanation. Still others accepted that Roosevelt controlled the United States into the war by denying data of the American individuals. This paper will investigate if Roosevelt did or didn't clandestinely move the United States into the Second World War and in the event that he approached data that could have forestalled the assault upon Pearl Harbor. In the 1930’s Japan’s forceful activities were causing worry in the United States. Japan was in charge of Manchuria by 1931 (DeAngelis, 13). By September of 1941, Japan had consented to an arrangement with Germany and Italy. After knowing about this agreement, Roosevelt founded a ban on oil and fuel shipments to Japan (DeAngelis, 13 - 14). Basically, the United States cut off vital materials that Japan expected to keep up their war on China. Japan had professed to speak to worldwide Asian interests, the racial convictions at that point, when in reality they had just Japan’s military/financial interests as a top priority. As the provisions from the United States dwindled, Japan asserted they had to sneak assault the United States in order to force our monetary hand. Japan expected the United States would be so staggered and would sue for harmony after a quick endeavor at retaliating. The Japanese idea that the U.S. populace was delicate and come up short on the Japanese battling soul, called bushido. The fundamental contention as of now was Roosevelt endeavored to utilize dealings to constrain Japan’s back to the divider. Nonetheless, the U.S. had an enormous intrigue bunch that in the end were known as the China First Lobby (Post World War II) that felt the Japanese were going after Chinese shortcomings at that point. It was politically convenient for Roosevelt to press the Japanese into chilling out utilizing the U.S.’s monetary card
Friday, August 21, 2020
Dewey, Thomas Edmund
Dewey, Thomas Edmund Dewey, Thomas Edmund, 1902â€"71, American political figure, governor (1943â€"55) of New York, b. Owosso, Mich. Admitted (1925) to the bar, Dewey practiced law and in 1931 became chief assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. After briefly serving (1933) as U.S. attorney, he was appointed (1935) special prosecutor to investigate organized crime and was elected (1937) district attorney of New York county. He won a national reputation for racket-busting. He was the unsuccessful Republican candidate for governor of New York in 1938, but was elected governor in 1942. In 1944 he won the Republican presidential nomination, but he lost the election to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Reelected (1946) governor, Dewey again ran for President on the Republican ticket in 1948 and, contrary to general expectation, lost the election to Harry S. Truman by a close margin. He was reelected governor of New York in 1950, and resumed private law practice on completion of his term (195 5). He wrote Journey to the Far Pacific (1952) after a tour of East Asia, and Thomas E. Dewey on the Two Party System (1966). See biographies by B. K. Beyer (1979) and R. N. Smith (1982). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Dewey, Thomas Edmund
Dewey, Thomas Edmund Dewey, Thomas Edmund, 1902â€"71, American political figure, governor (1943â€"55) of New York, b. Owosso, Mich. Admitted (1925) to the bar, Dewey practiced law and in 1931 became chief assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. After briefly serving (1933) as U.S. attorney, he was appointed (1935) special prosecutor to investigate organized crime and was elected (1937) district attorney of New York county. He won a national reputation for racket-busting. He was the unsuccessful Republican candidate for governor of New York in 1938, but was elected governor in 1942. In 1944 he won the Republican presidential nomination, but he lost the election to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Reelected (1946) governor, Dewey again ran for President on the Republican ticket in 1948 and, contrary to general expectation, lost the election to Harry S. Truman by a close margin. He was reelected governor of New York in 1950, and resumed private law practice on completion of his term (195 5). He wrote Journey to the Far Pacific (1952) after a tour of East Asia, and Thomas E. Dewey on the Two Party System (1966). See biographies by B. K. Beyer (1979) and R. N. Smith (1982). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Career Of A Registered Nurse - 1533 Words
Quintilian once said â€Å"It is the nurse that the child first hears, and her words that he will first attempt to imitate.†I always loved helping people and I would turn on the television and look for shows related to nursing. â€Å"One Born Every Minute†was one of the few shows I watched on television that interest me and made me eager to want help with the birth of babies. This show captured the hardships and difficulty of giving birth and the experience of the procedure. The career of a Registered Nurse is fulling and rewarding because one is taking care of others. The research will describe the career of a registered nurse, what is required to become successful and the impact this career has on society. Registered Nurses have a lot of responsibilities, including caring for a diversity of patients, performing physical exams, helping the doctor during surgery, preparing rooms and equipment for other patients, being able to handle sudden deaths, suggesting medications, etc. They are known for their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Typical schedules for Registered Nurses are five days a week for a eight hour period, even though you do not have to work five straight days of the week. The day shift is usually from six a.m. to two-thirty pm, the evening shift is from two-thirty pm to eleven pm, and lastly the night shift is from ten-thirty pm to seven a.m. They take a thirty minute lunch break and two fifteen minute breaks in between shifts. N urses also work twelve-hourShow MoreRelatedThe Career Of A Registered Nurse1452 Words  | 6 PagesRegistered Nurse â€Å"Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon.†There was a girl who had always wanted to become one of importance, education, and also a contributor in her community. She feels that this occupation will assist her in living comfortably, providing for her family, and will be something she will enjoy doing. The career of a Registered Nurse is a challenging and important career, because of the importance one holds within a communityRead MoreA Career as a Registered Nurse Essay938 Words  | 4 PagesA Registered Nurse is a person who enjoys helping other people. They practically have the responsibility for many peoples lives. What’s interesting about a Registered Nurse is that they get to learn about all the parts of the human body. A Registered Nurse works in the medical field and needs to be ready with anything that comes their way. There could be a sudden death, some kind of medical issue that pops up, and even a patient just falls over and hurt themselves. As a Registered Nurse they needRead MoreThe Career As A Professional Registered Nurse941 Words  | 4 Pagessuccess as a professional Registered Nurse (RN) requires hard work, compassion and empathy. It is important to realize the journey is challenging, but is fulfilling. The registered nurse profession was established in the 1800s. For over two hundred years a registered nurse has helped those in need. The responsibilities of nurses is to educate their patients on many types of diseases as well as provide guidance to patients and their loved ones. It is important for nurses to express compassion, emotionalRead MoreProfessional Career As A Registered Nurse1744 Words  | 7 PagesA professional career as a registered nurse can be very rewarding, but it entitles hard work and dedication. The main purpose of a registered nurse is to provide care, education, and support to their patients. Their responsibilities mainly depend on the ty pe of file they work in. For example, an emergency nurses, labor and delivery nurses, and school nurses each have specific duties they need to perform in accordance to their job. Though, in general, Registered Nursing responsibilities are very similarRead MoreCareer Goals For Registered Nurses851 Words  | 4 PagesOutlining Your Career Goals Registered nurses work alongside physicians providing patient care in a variety of ways. A few examples of what nurses are responsible for include: administering medications, tracking patient’s vital signs, helping to diagnose and properly treat patient aliments and educating the patient and their family on their condition and the course of treatment. Depending on what area of medicine a nurse works in will determine more generalized and specific duties and responsibilitiesRead MoreCareer of Registered Nurse738 Words  | 3 PagesIntroduction: Registered nurses have several duties and responsibilities that can range depending on the organization that they work for. Registered Nurse’s may be employed in physicians offices, schools, hospitals, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, clinics, and even in prison settings. They are responsible to provide direct care to patients that are done under the order and supervision of a licensed health professional. The licensed healthcare professionals include physicians, nurse practitionersRead MoreCareer Research : Registered Nurse2452 Words  | 10 PagesCareer Research Paper: Registered Nurse Healthcare is a field of study that is concerned with the maintenance or restoration of the mind or body. More specifically a Registered Nurse is a person who is especially prepared in the scientific basis of nursing and who meets certain prescribed standards of education and clinical competence. A nurse provides services essential to or helpful in the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health and well-being of a patient. This career path was myRead MoreMy Career As A Registered Nurse878 Words  | 4 Pages My short-term goals include passing my state boards upon graduation and then finding a fulfilling job as a Registered Nurse (RN) at a major local hospital. Currently, I work at Summa Akron City Hospital and it would be seamless for me if I could obtain a job there as a nurse in one of their intensive care units. After a few years of practice, I plan to get my certification in Critical Care Nursing. Beyond that, my long-term goals for the future are to attend grad uate school at University of AkronRead MoreThe Career Goal Of Advance Practice Registered Nurse1614 Words  | 7 PagesïÆ'Ëœ Highly conscientious, dedicated and qualified skilled Registered Nurse with 20+ years background, experience within Emergency Department, Medical/Surgical ICU, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Case Management setting where a diverse professional skill are utilized with excellent assessment and analytical skills seeking Nurse Corps Scholarship to advance my career goal of Advance Practice Registered Nurse ïÆ'Ëœ Have extensive experience in working with a broad range of medical conditions, patient careRead MoreCareer Path to Become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist1051 Words  | 5 PagesCertified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are one of the most advanced types of nurses. They are responsible for providing quality anesthesia and anesthesia-related care in order to facilitate diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical procedures (America Association of Nurse Anesthetists, 2010). While their services are mainly used in the surgical setting, CRNAs can also provide assistance for pain management associated with obstetrical labor and delivery or for chronic and acute pain. Although
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Northern Humanist Essay - 1154 Words
The Northern Humanists were firm believers in higher education. Yet, they were also very critical of the way it was carried it out. Analyze their main criticisms of higher education and learning. The Northern Humanists are strong believers in higher education. They differed from the more Italian approach; The Northerners emphasized education across a broader band of society, not just a more scholarly yet secluded class of intellectuals. Somewhat oddly, the study of the ancient classics was valued, but not thought to have much relevance in solving their current issues. Thus those who were attracted to the new learning tended to be those who were simply curious rather than those who were dedicated to discovering†¦show more content†¦Similarly, when the imaginative and well educated Conrad Celtis travelled from Germany to visit Italy, he was unfavorably impressed with the pretensions of Italian intellectuals and their scorn for the North.(Wilcox p.279). Overall there was more support for humanist thought in the North by the ruling class, perhaps because they were more pleased to hire educated men to attend them in their councils. Erasmus believes in the need of a universal language, both in verse and prose. He was well versed in Latin and in Greek. Erasmus and Thomas More were both staunch Catholics, opposed the reformation as proposed by Martin Luther but thought the church needed adjustments. Erasmus differed from some of Mores ideas, for instance he believed in free will of the individual, whereas More did not. They all advocated social reform and were interested in improvement for society. Erasmus thought science unworthy of a gentleman. Erasmus appeared as a responsible and constructive critic of society. He attacked the superstition and formalism of late medieval religion, offering in their place a simple piety that could appeal to all levels of society.(Wilcox) Castiglione writes an instruction manual or self help book on how to make your way up the Courtier ladder. Men should have a well roundedShow MoreRelatedAlbrecht Durer s Self Portraits2317 Words  | 10 PagesSelf-Portraits Introduction The life of Albrecht Durer is described as that of a person who spent it on influencing art, culture and society during the Northern Renaissance. During his time, he represented and witnessed some of the most momentous events in the modern European history, including both cultural and religious dimensions of the religious humanist movement1. He conceptualized the movement of Martin Luther as part of the larger matrix of religious and theological reforms that were grounded inRead MoreAlbrecht Durer s Self Portraits2317 Words  | 10 PagesSelf-Portraits Introduction The life of Albrecht Durer is described as that of a person who spent it on influencing art, culture and society during the Northern Renaissance. During his time, he represented and witnessed some of the most momentous events in the modern European history, including both cultural and religious dimensions of the religious humanist movement1. He conceptualized the movement of Martin Luther as part of the larger matrix of religious and theological reforms that were grounded inRead MoreAlbrecht Durer: Catalyst of the Northern Renaissance Essay2177 Words  | 9 Pagesand worked. These artists are based mainly in Southern Europe of course, but what about Northern European countries like Germany? What were the Germans up to and how did this new way of thinking as well as new use of techniques and tools spread up there, to Germany, and other countries? It is believed by many that Albrecht Durer was the main catalyst and one of the most important contributors for the Northern Renaissan ce. Many artists visited Italy at the time of the Italian Renassaince, but DurerRead MoreThe History Of Western European Religious Landscape989 Words  | 4 Pagesmixed ideas and emotions. The enlightenment and cumulative effort of individuals of that time produced different ideas contributing to the renaissance or re-birth of religious doctrine. Change was instigated by various Italian humanists or Popes of the era, norther humanists such as Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Henry VII, and Queen Elizabeth I were some of the participants that changed the paradigm of Western European religious landscape. Like the secular despots, popes engagedRead MoreWhy Did The Renaissance Come From Northern Europe?1696 Words  | 7 PagesWhy did the Renaissance come later to northern Europe than to Italy and what were its distinctive characteristics? The Renaissance, a term coined by Giorgio Vasari in 1550 , is used to describe the period of cultural and intellectual change which started in Italy and then spread across the rest of Europe. This development in society led to Europe stepping out of the medieval era and becoming a powerhouse on a global scale. The Italian Renaissance is what the majority of people think ofRead MoreComparing The Italian And Italian Renaissance1748 Words  | 7 PagesOctober 26, 2015 Art 111 Northern Renaissance and Italian Renaissance Differences between the Italian and Northern Renaissance The Renaissance was a period of great cultural and technological changes which swept Europe from the end of the 13 century. It was integral in developing Europe into a powerhouse. Although, each part of Europe was subjected to different changes, there were two primary renaissances which were most notable. They were the Italian and the Northern renaissance. Both of theseRead MoreSimilarities Between Humanism And Italian Humanism1945 Words  | 8 Pagesas the first great humanist. Humanism first started to become popular in the mid-15th century though during the Italian Renaissance due to many factors but at the same humanism was spreading all throughout Europe and became increasingly popular in Northern Europe, but didn’t spread as fast. With humanism spreading around in different areas of the world it was safe to assume that the teachings and practice of humanism from these areas would also be different. With Italian humanists focusing more onRead MoreDid The Reformation Ha d Been Stopped? Why Or Why Not?988 Words  | 4 Pagesfollowers which sparked the challenge of Papal powers during the Renaissance period. With the development of humanism during the Renaissance came a new idea of change known as known as the â€Å"Northern Renaissance humanism†which demanded amendments to Christianity. (Speilvogel p. 368) These northern humanists, all shared the desire to improve their knowledge of Christianity, help the needy of the lower classes, and share what they learned. They wanted to challenge the very foundation of deceit fromRead MoreThe Bubonic Plague And The Renaissance865 Words  | 4 Pagesmeditative withdrawal. The main thread of the humanistic belief was that man, possessing of a vast range of powers, was the center of his own universe a, a theme which featured heavily in the art, literature and architecture of that time period. Humanists believed in the enjoyment of wealth and materialism and worried less about the need for God in their lives. They valued secularism over religion and emphasized strongly on physical beauty, individualism, and man’s achievements. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Kinship and the Inuit People Free Essays
It takes a certain type of person to be able to survive the harsh freezing climate of the Arctic. The Inuit, descendants of the Thule have been surviving along the shores of the Arctic Ocean, Hudson Bay, Davis Strait, and Labrador Sea for over 1,000 years. The kinship relationships among the Inuit people are very important to their way of life and survival. We will write a custom essay sample on Kinship and the Inuit People or any similar topic only for you Order Now Every family unit consists of the nuclear family. This is the most common type of unit in a foraging society, such as the Inuit. The nuclear family is the mother and/or father and their children. Occasionally, the Inuit nuclear family will include a spouses’ widowed mother or father or a single adult sibling. The village will contain several other households sharing kin members. This is important because they participate in generalized reciprocity. Generalized reciprocity is a form of exchange where there is no expectation for the immediate return of an item or service in exchange for something else. The different households visit each other, share food, and work together to complete everyday tasks. During the seal hunting season, about 15 different households come to work together. This is very important because seals are used for more than just their meat. They use the sealskins for various things such as boot liners, waterproofing clothes, houses, and kayaks, and the blubber for household lighting. However, â€Å"whenever food was abundant, sharing among non-relatives was avoided, since every family was supposedly capable of obtaining the necessary catch. In situations of scarcity, however, caribou meat was more evenly distributed throughout camp†(Laird Nowak, 2010, p 3. ). This generalized reciprocity helps to ensure the survival of the people in times of need. However, because it is not done all the time, there is little conflict. During times of scarcity, the Inuit people have practiced infanticide. One of the reasons they do this is so the older children or adults do not starve. However, it has been noticed that they prefer female over male infanticide. This is m ost likely because the boys will grow up to be the hunters. A few women do hunt, but it is considered the men’s responsibility. Women do contribute to the food by gathering grasses, berries, tubers, stems, and seaweed. However, because there is very little vegetation in the Arctic, women are not the main contributors of food. They process and prepare the meats the men bring home. Women are expected to take care of the children and the house. This is one of the closest similarities between our culture and theirs’. In our society, women are still considered the primary caretaker of children and elder family members. Women are expected to come home from work or â€Å"berry gathering†and prepare dinner. Women run the household chores such as cleaning and laundry. Inuit women clean and sew for the children and men, except when the men go away to hunt and have to do it themselves. In our culture, men sometimes help with household chores, such as cooking, although they have the option of ordering in. Our culture also practices generalized reciprocity. Families gather together to share meals and everyday chores. We go to visit other households to enjoy holidays and birthdays. Family members exchange gifts, foods, and just enjoy being together. Some families gather to help one another out like when we moved. My father-in-law helped by lending us his truck. There was nothing expected in return. The one thing we do not share with the Inuit culture is infanticide. Although I understand why they do it, I would not be able to. In our culture, the parents would end up in prison. We also do not place as much importance on the sex of the child. The only benefit of a boy would be the passing on of the family name. However, today women can decide to keep the family name and add on their husbands, instead of giving up theirs for his. Although our cultures have many similarities, they are also very different. Kinship relationships are important in every society, including ours and the Inuit. However, our survival is not dependent on these relationships, whereas the Inuit are. Without the kinship of the Inuit, they would not be able to survive the harsh winters of their environment. It does take a very special type of people to survive the Arctic. The Inuit have proved to be one of them. How to cite Kinship and the Inuit People, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Becoming a Vet free essay sample
â€Å"You can’t be a vet,†Nancy, my riding coach, said. â€Å"You won’t have time to ride, and you won’t like it.†My initial response was, why? Having my coach, of all people, tell me I couldn’t pursue my passion was the hardest thing. My heart dropped, and the lump in my throat grew bigger. â€Å"Because you won’t have time to ride, and if you want to ride, you can’t be a vet. You’re going to need to make good money if you want to be in the Olympics, and go to the World Cup Finals.†At that moment I knew where she was going with this. â€Å"You can be a pharmacist,†Nancy said. At first, it sounded like a good idea. I would make decent money, and have good hours. Right then and there, I switched what I wanted to do; I was going to be a pharmacist. We will write a custom essay sample on Becoming a Vet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My mom and dad always said, â€Å"No matter what you do, we will support you.†But this time, it was different. My dad knew something was wrong; he wasn’t satisfied with the fact I changed my dreams just for one person. â€Å"Are you sure you don’t want to be a vet?†he would ask. The only reason I had that was backing my decision was because I would be able to pursue my horseback riding dreams. I always wanted to go to the Olympics, and Nancy and I know I have the talent to make it. That night, I was questioning whether or not I had made the right decision. A few weeks had passed with a loss of sleep, and much stressed out. Every night I would ask myself, â€Å"Was this really what I wanted to do?†Then, the day came when my misery ended. One of my favorite equine veterinarians came to examine one of my horses. She, along with others, had always said that I should pursue my passion. The moment came when she said, â€Å"Do you really want to be stuck inside all day, counting pills, and wearing a white lab coat?†I knew she was dramatizing a bit, but she made an excellent point. Right then, I knew that I couldn’t change my dreams to satisfy the ones of others. I mean, what if something happened where I couldn’t ride ever again. I made myself the saying; I can’t have a hobby without a job. The triumph was big for me; it was a moment where I found myself. I realized that I can’t live to satisfy others if I am not making m yself happy. I plan to go onward with no fences; nobody can take me from pursuing my dreams. I made strong connections with the vets who know that I can do it. Though sadly I have disappointed my coach, I have learned that I need to make myself happy, and being an equine veterinarian will take me there.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
The Dangers of Over-Reliance on Technology Essay Example
The Dangers of Over-Reliance on Technology Paper Albert Einstein once said, â€Å"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.†Even though he was referring to atomic bombs, his point is still valid. We are becoming slaves to our own technology and it is happening faster than we can comprehend. Technology has now become an essential part of our lives and we cannot live without it. Our rapidly advancing technology is limiting and crippling our society’s inhabitants. We live in a high tech world, and the more advanced technology becomes, the more it seems to have control over our lives. It is difficult to imagine a world without technology. Technology has a lot of advantages but it has a lot of negative sides and the negative side can have serious and long-term consequences. As of now technology is everywhere, surrounding us, it is stopping us from being ourselves. People who use technology have lack of bonds with others, leading to isolation. Technology also leads to depression, dise ases and a warped sense of reality. Technology causes pollution that leads to natural destruction. Social isolation is characterized by a lack of contact with other people in normal daily living, such as, the workplace, with friends and in social activities. We isolate ourselves by walking around in our own little world. With technology we are creating our own little world and we keep ourselves away from others â€Å"little worlds.†As we can see in the book Feed, by M.T. Anderson, â€Å"Creville Heights was all one big area, instead of each yard with its own sun and season. They must’ve had just one sun for the whole place†(134). In the book Feed, the people had their own bubbles with their own sun and seasons. All this leads to isolation. The use of online social media outlets causes us to meet face-to-face with much less frequency, resulting in a lack of much needed social skills. We can see that today, as Google Glass by Google is the first entry in the wearable We will write a custom essay sample on The Dangers of Over-Reliance on Technology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Dangers of Over-Reliance on Technology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Dangers of Over-Reliance on Technology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Synonyms for Petit, Small, and Short in French
Synonyms for Petit, Small, and Short in French If you want to learn to speak French more skillfully, start with vocabulary. In French classes, you tend to learn the most common, basic terms. The adjective petit is one example of a very common French word that can be replaced by any number of synonyms. Learn some different ways to say small and short, and note the different nuances. Click on each word to hear it pronounced. Small or Short in French Petit means small or short, depending on how its used and the words that are used with it. Jai besoin dun petit carton.I need a small box. Elle est assez petite.She is fairly short. Petit can also be modified by tout to emphasize the smallness: Il y a un tout petit problà ¨me.Theres a tiny problem. Synonyms for Petit Court means short or brief. Vous devriez à ©crire une introduction courte.You should write a short introduction. Il a la mà ©moire courte.He has a short memory. Étriquà © means narrow or tight. Cà ©tait une victoire à ©triquà ©e.It was a narrow victory. Ton pantalon a lair dà ªtre assez à ©triquà ©.Your pants look pretty tight. Faible means weak or small. Nous navons quune faible quantità © de rà ©serves.We have only a few supplies. Fin means fine or thin. Jaimerais une fine tranche de gà ¢teau.Id like a thin slice of cake. Infime means tiny or miniscule. Il a gagnà © dune majorità © infime.He won by a tiny majority. Là ©ger means light, slight, or minor. Cest une blessure là ©gà ¨re.Its a minor wound. Maigre means meager or slight. ï » ¿Son revenu maigre nest pas suffisant.His meager income is insufficient. Microscopique means microscopic. Les microbes sont microscopiques.Germs are microscopic. Mince means thin, meager, or slender. Nous avons une mince chance de succà ¨s.We have a slender chance of success. Minuscule means miniscule or tiny. Je dà ©teste ces minuscules fenà ªtres dans les salles de bains.I hate those minuscule windows in bathrooms. Modeste means small or modest. Cest un appartement modeste.Its a modest apartment. Nà ©gligeable means negligible or trivial. Jignore les dà ©tails nà ©gligeables.I dont know about the trivial details. Peu is an adverb that means little or not much. Elle parle peu.She speaks little (she doesnt talk very much). Rà ©duit means small. Un nombre rà ©duit de nos à ©tudiants.A small number of our students.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Rocks and Minerals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Rocks and Minerals - Essay Example Crushed basalt is commonly used as aggregate in highway construction and railroad ballast. Basalt can also be found in asphalt. It is also used as floor tiles and stone monument. An evidence of basalt in mars is also noted as well as basaltic rocks in the moon. Basalt appearance is uniform but can be viewed under electron microscope to reveal its component silicate mineral. Dolerite is a type of basaltic rock. It is a fine grained igneous rock commonly called diabese. Dolerite is a medium grained igneous rocks commonly found in dikes and sills. It is composed mainly of plagioclase crystals, feldspar and clinopyroxene with augite and ilmenite as minor minerals. Unlike the common basalt, dolerite crystals can be viewed under a hand lens. This is an indication that dolerite was cooled slowly than basalt. Dolerite is noted for its resistance in weathering and therefore most commonly used to build roads and monumental stones. The Tasmanian peninsula in Tasmania, Australia has the world’s largest areas of dolerite. Most of the copper ore minerals are created by weathering and is mined as mineral chalcopyrite (CuFeS2). Chalcopyrite is the most abundant mineral ore of copper. When chalcopyrite is extracted for copper, it contains 34.5% by mass copper. Other copper mineral ores can be chalcocite Cu2S, covelite (CuS), bornite (2Cu2S*CuS*FeS), malachite (CuCO3†¢Cu(OH)2), and cuprite (Cu2O). Copper mineral ores is mined for copper. Vast mountain areas are quarried for chalcopyrite, malachite and cuprite. Conglomerate is a large chunk of rock that has different minerals or rock types embedded to it. This is a type of sedimentary rock that is commonly found I beaches, rivers, and glaciers. Pebbles and small rocks are the major components of a conglomerate rock. Quartz is the most common mineral of pebble so is conglomerate. Iron oxide, calcium carbonate and silica are also tied together with all the components. Conglomerates doesn’t have
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Response Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Response Question - Essay Example a writing style which means that Sima Qian wrote as a group. Sima Qian observed the whole picture of the events in China, and wrote it from the standpoint of the group’s view. On the other hand Herodotus wrote it mostly from his view point, adding up details which he thought were necessary for the readers to read. What did the group think of what happened? What did the group think was important to write down? Why did they think it was important? These are questions that we should answer. The most amazing thing about these authors is that they never once met each other in person. Yet, for people who never met each other, never enjoyed each other’s company and never had a cup of coffee or tea over the dinner table together, their recollections and styles are vastly similar. The similarities become eminent to the readers by the different accounts of the writers that they give, and the brilliant ways in which they speak. Herodotus’ brilliant account of politics was f ascinating to me, as was Qian’s ability to go off on random mythical journeys. Many would say this was separate, but it is also identical as both writers could go off onto one stretch of writing style and stay there. Regardless of the similarities that the two writers share their writing styles are vastly different. However the fact remains that Sima Qian and Herodotus are great writers and perhaps some of the best writers in history. Their writing style shall be forever analyzed and young students and emerging writers will always try and strive for their great style. A major difference that the two authors have is the manner in which each writer presents his personal interpretation. As mentioned above Herodotus tends to go off on political tangents while Sima Qian tends to keep the political thoughts to a barely noticeable minimum. However Qian has no problem in exploring the mystical world of China, something Herodotus virtually leaves untouched. Qian wrote from what is kno wn as the group standpoint. He wanted everyone to receive his entire message, to see his whole picture, so to speak. It is a contrast to be sure from Herodotus, who wrote from his standpoint and more about what he thought, and wasn’t as worried about making sure that the entire group got the picture. However this does not means that readers of the text will not find Herodotus’ work compelling. The first thing I noticed about both authors, as I was reading their work, was how stunningly easy the work was to read. Many history books are dry and full of only factual writing. However in my opinion this time the writing from the history book seemed to come to life. Although I liked Herodotus’ approach slightly better because I am more of a political person than a mystical person, yet Qian’s work was also equally engaging. However I did think that Herodotus’ work was more intellectually stimulating perhaps because it had a more historical and more fact-b ased approach. Many books, especially books about this time period in history, are quite boring although I was glad to see that this one was very interesting. I found Herodotus’ work to be more enlightening than Qian’s, perhaps because I was able to relate to the style of writing that he used and it was slightly better than Qian’s. Sometimes it was hard to know who actually wrote what document as the book did not always specifically mention it, thus making an absolute and fair analysis and comparison challenging, to say the least. I personally could not have done all the research and
Monday, January 27, 2020
Relationship Between Goals and Objectives
Relationship Between Goals and Objectives Goals and the objectives are included as parts of the process. What a company expects to accomplish throughout the year is described by goals and objectives. These goals and objectives are essential to the company as a whole, departments, employees and customers. Once the company reach certain goals, it is typically struggle for even loftier goals. Goals and objectives pressures to get a communication in the company, so all the staffs in the company can work in synch in achieving them. Goals are realistic,specific and measureable. Business policies are usually show the ways which facilitate the ability of a company or organization to reach predetermined objectives formulated by top-level management. Business policies are the endpoints related with plans designed to reach company goals. Both policies and business objectives maybe added into plans as determined by a business organisation. The objective is the end to a plan and policy is served as a mode and manner used to reach each ob jectives. Those are the relationship between goals, objectives and policies. Referring to the case study, the Scotia Airways objective is to introduce the flight to major European tourist destinations and goals is to expand the major business centres in Eastern Europe and the Middle and Far East. In order to accomplish those goals and objectives, Scotia Airways try to change its policy which can make Scotia Airway to successfully expand and compete in a challenging market. To effective managerial performance, keep moving the Scotia Airway with this present managing system and need to be more formal and precise than the present. The main principle of Open System Theory The main principles of the open system is that many environmental changes and influences that impacted the efficiency of organisation. It means the newfound belief that all organisation are perfect in part because of the unique environment in which they operate and that they should be structured to accommodate unique problems and opportunities. All in all Open system is try to live in or struggle to the effect or sudden change of the surrounding or environment. In this case study, Scotia Airway going to expand into international Airlines from domestic markets, thus the current managing system will be changed soon and the requirements of skillful new workers who can control the international airlines and the current staffs might be fired or replaced their seats by them. This is the effect on the change of the organisation. The another example is that the government of EU and UK government relax their control over the licensing of airline provision. When the situation is changed or it comes like a huge chance or Scotia Airways, the airline decided to expand their destinations from covering eight destinations. This can be called the change according to the change of situation or environment. The main differences between the formal and informal organisation within Scotia Airways The differences between the formal organisation and informal organisation can be seen obviously. The formal organisation consists of the formally recognized and established statues of the members. The relationship between the members is more a status relationship than a personal relationship. The informal organisation consists of role rather than statuses. The relationship between the members is more a personal relationship or role relationship than the status relationship. There is authority in formal organisations hence there is super ordination ad subordination. Individuals are valuable because of their status and prestige. A leadership can be found in formal organisation hence dominance and submission can be found. The roles and esteem of individuals are valuable. Formal organisation may have long history of their own. Informal organisations are not comparatively more inflexible. It is not easy to bring change in them for example it is difficult to bring change or amendment in th e constitution. Informal organisations are more flexible. There is no rigidity there. Changes can be bought forth easily. It require only the change in attitudes of the members. Referring to the case study, Scotia Airway is planning to expand and new staffs are going to be appointed. There will be informal organisation and informal organisation during the change. If the old staff afraid to do new tasks, they are going to be left behind and all the old staffs might be in a group and will be formed as an informal group. In the other hand, the new staffs combine and together and finally a formal group will be found. Four primary stakeholders of Scotia Airways The primary stakeholders of the Scotia Airways are shareholders, suppliers, government and competitors. They do interest in and influence on the organisation. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Shareholders Shareholders have authority in the organisation and they interested every single action of the orginisation does because when the organisation gain a profit, the shareholders can earn moneys and verse versa they invest a lot of money into the organisation. So the shareholders need to know whethere the organisation get profit or facing with failure and get loss. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Suppliers For the suppliers, they also take part in a list who interested company the most. Scotia Airway use the aeroplanes provided by suppliers. They need to know whether the company still using their products planes or using the others. Although they interested in the organistation, they don’t have any authority on the organisation. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Government Government is placed at the top of the list which is the collection of people who interested in to theorganisation. The government do interest the company because he is the most powerful person who has authority and even he can shut down the company or to make improve. If the organization earns profits, he can collect tasks from the organistion. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Competitors The competitors also tracing and listening the news of one of its competitors, the Scotia Airway. They need to focusing on the Scotia Airways about its news such as promotions, services etc. They don’t have any authority to the Scotia Airways. Control Strategy After drawing up preliminary plans for the expansion, the management team of Scotia Airways is needed to track whether the desired result will be come out or not. Strategic controls help analyzing the Scotia Airways and its ability, strengths and opportunities. The four kinds of strategic controls are premise control, implementation control and special alert control. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Premise control It is based on an assumed premise of how things will take place in the future. It allows the Scotia Airways to inspect whether this assumption still holds true when the plans are being built as action. That may be influenced by environmental factors such as inflation, interest rates, social changes or by industry factors of competitors, suppliers and barriers. These controls can adapt the strategy accordingly when changes of premise occurred. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Implementation control Not to do the adjustment to the strategy, implementation control has to be used. The two basic forms of implementation control are monitoring strategic trusts and doing milestone overviews. The former can be used in order to gain market share from planning and the latter for conducting a full-scale assessment of Scotia Airways. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Special alert control The mechanisms are required in place to assess the position of Scotia Airways in the case of sudden events such as natural disasters. It allows to reconsider the relevancy of the plan or strategy in light of new event. Bibliography Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., Erdogan, B. (n.d.). The nature of goals and objectives. Retrieved from 1. Organisation theory. (n.d.). Retrieved from 2. Williams, J. (n.d.). Control Strategy. Retrieved from MULLINS, L. (2010). MANAGEMENT ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (NINTH ed.). PEARSON.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Where do Babies Come From? :: Sex Reproduction Essays
Where do Babies Come From? missing works cited Emily Martin argues that medical and scientific publications naturalize gender roles by presenting â€Å"facts†that reflect socially constructed ideas about gender. This misrepresentation is reflected in much of the information intended to educate children about the â€Å"facts†of life. Each of the pieces included in our course reader manifest this distortion to some degree. Because individuals begin to formulate ideas about gender at a very early age, such indoctrination is particularly precarious when presented during a child’s formative years. Feminists argue that Santa Claus, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White are also dangerous fictionalizations but depictions of stereotypical male/female roles presented to young people as serious, straightforward answers to important questions is far more sinister and the implications more dangerous to a society that values and espouses equality. Many of the tired old gender clichà ©s are used in all of the books in order to weave together an answer to one of life’s inevitable questions: â€Å"Where do babies come from?†In attempting to answer this question, even the most well-intentioned parent is bound to instill false ideas about gender if he or she relies on most of the popular literature that attempts to broach this difficult topic. Females and their roles in the sexual process are almost always represented as passive mothers, caretakers, supporters of malesâ€â€being acted uponâ€â€whereas men are the actors, initiators, adventurers, rescuers--in fact, the only ones really doing anything at all. The father goes on to say that â€Å"in bed†(an unnecessary assumption) a â€Å"daddy puts his penis inside†the woman’s vagina, â€Å"the sperm comes out of the daddy’s penis and goes into the mommy’s vagina, and then the sperm meets the egg and a baby starts†(Brooks). This typical description is repeated in another work with the â€Å"man lying so close to the woman that his penis can fit into her vagina†so that â€Å"one of his sperms can get to one of her eggs†(Sheffield, 17). In a more euphemistic description a â€Å"father bird puts his opening against the mother’s and sperm cells enter her and swim to the egg†and later â€Å"a shell forms around the egg†(Zapun). Rather than initiated by the egg, this action is carried out by one of it’s parts or, one could argue, a completely distinct part. Another book, What To Expect When Mommy’s Having A Baby states only that â€Å"the daddy puts his sperm inside the mommy,†giving absolutely no clue as to how this is physically accomplished.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The Sociological Reactions to the Return of Vietnam Veterans
The Sociological Reactions to the Return of Vietnam Veterans Upon their return from the Vietnam War, many veterans were shocked upon the reaction (or lack thereof) displayed by the citizens of the States who had remained on the home front. When finally landing back on American soil, many veterans expected to be greeted with celebration and maybe even a parade, acknowledging their service and dedication to the Vietnam cause.However, veterans were instead greeted by protestors who did not agree with the United States’ participation in the war (ironically, not all veterans wholly supported the cause itself, but instead went out of respect and devotion to their country). In an article written by Vietnam veteran Bill Hunt, it is clear to see that not only were strangers hostile towards veterans, but even friends and family treated the returning soldiers with annoyance, anger, or at the best, apathy.He states that it felt like family members had not even known he was at war; they re acted to his return much like one would react to someone returning from the grocery store: with just a casual hello, disregarding the danger and the high level of devotion that had been experienced. Hunt’s family barely acknowledged that he had ever even gone to war. The experiences of Vietnam vets were simply viewed as a part of every-day life.The war was not even taken seriously by many people, and veterans (specifically Hunt) were appalled by the flippant and insensitive (though innocent and thoughtless) comments made by others, family included. To the vets, it had been a hellish experience, and many experienced Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression, and many became dependent on drugs and alcohol to get through the psychological after-effects of being involved in such stressful and torturous circumstances.However, appallingly, many were unable to get the help they needed. Medical aid was not made available to them right away, and a shocking percentage of Americans vie wed them as crazy and dangerous to society. Some even thought that the veterans deserved their psychological conditions. Suicide became increasingly common as many veterans experienced completely unfounded hatred and degradation. Part of this is due to the younger generation, which had begun the hippie movement.The ideas of â€Å"peace†and â€Å"love†were emphasized. Because of this, many returning veterans were greeted with shouts of â€Å"baby killer†and other completely untrue and offensive things. They were also given stereotypes of overarching drug use. Additionally, television was available to households for the first time. Because of this, there was no watering-down or censorship of the conditions of the Vietnam War. Many veterans were portrayed incorrectly and much confusion was experienced by the public due to mixed messages.Regardless of the cause, the fact remains that the Vietnam veterans are one of the most unjustly maligned groups of people in A merican history. The war was politically unpopular and many veterans were accused of a lack of dedication and â€Å"not fighting hard enough†. The disrespect that had been shown towards these veterans was and still is disgusting: regardless of whether or not one agrees with the cause, it is inexcusable that these veterans were not commended for their sacrifice. Comparison to The Return of a Private and Currently Returning Veterans The Return of a Private
Friday, January 3, 2020
Overview of the Economics of Demand
When people think about what it means to demand something, they usually envision some sort of but I want it sort of scenario. Economists, on the other hand, have a very precise definition of demand. For them demand is the relationship between the quantity of a good or service consumers will purchase and the price charged for that good. More precisely and formally the Economics Glossary defines demand as the want or desire to possess a good or service with the necessary goods, services, or financial instruments necessary to make a legal transaction for those goods or services. Put another way, an individual must is willing, able, and ready to purchase an item if they are to be counted as demanding an item. What Demand Is Not Demand is not simply a quantity consumers wish to purchase such as 5 oranges or 17 shares of Microsoft, because demand represents the entire relationship between quantity desired of a good and all possible prices charged for that good. The specific quantity desired for a good at a given price is known as the quantity demanded. Typically a time period is also given when describing quantity demanded, since obviously the quantity demanded of an item would differ based on whether we were talking about per day, per week, and so on. Examples of Quantity Demanded When the price of an orange is 65 cents the quantity demanded is 300 oranges a week. If the local Starbucks lowers their price of a tall coffee from $1.75 to $1.65, the quantity demanded will rise from 45 coffees an hour to 48 coffees an hour. Demand Schedules A demand schedule is a table which lists the possible prices for a good and service and the associated quantity demanded. The demand schedule for oranges could look (in part) as follows: 75 cents - 270 oranges a week70 cents - 300 oranges a week65 cents - 320 oranges a week60 cents - 400 oranges a week Demand Curves A demand curve is simply a demand schedule presented in graphical form. The standard presentation of a demand curve has price given on the Y-axis and quantity demanded on the X-axis. You can see a basic example of a demand curve in the picture presented with this article. The Law of Demand The law of demand states that, ceteribus paribus (Latin for assuming all else is held constant), the quantity demanded for a good rises as the price falls. In other words, the quantity demanded and price are inversely related. Demand curves are drawn as downward sloping due to this inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. Price Elasticity of Demand The price elasticity of demand represents how sensitive quantity demanded is to changes in price.
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