Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Career Of A Registered Nurse - 1533 Words
Quintilian once said â€Å"It is the nurse that the child first hears, and her words that he will first attempt to imitate.†I always loved helping people and I would turn on the television and look for shows related to nursing. â€Å"One Born Every Minute†was one of the few shows I watched on television that interest me and made me eager to want help with the birth of babies. This show captured the hardships and difficulty of giving birth and the experience of the procedure. The career of a Registered Nurse is fulling and rewarding because one is taking care of others. The research will describe the career of a registered nurse, what is required to become successful and the impact this career has on society. Registered Nurses have a lot of responsibilities, including caring for a diversity of patients, performing physical exams, helping the doctor during surgery, preparing rooms and equipment for other patients, being able to handle sudden deaths, suggesting medications, etc. They are known for their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Typical schedules for Registered Nurses are five days a week for a eight hour period, even though you do not have to work five straight days of the week. The day shift is usually from six a.m. to two-thirty pm, the evening shift is from two-thirty pm to eleven pm, and lastly the night shift is from ten-thirty pm to seven a.m. They take a thirty minute lunch break and two fifteen minute breaks in between shifts. N urses also work twelve-hourShow MoreRelatedThe Career Of A Registered Nurse1452 Words  | 6 PagesRegistered Nurse â€Å"Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon.†There was a girl who had always wanted to become one of importance, education, and also a contributor in her community. She feels that this occupation will assist her in living comfortably, providing for her family, and will be something she will enjoy doing. The career of a Registered Nurse is a challenging and important career, because of the importance one holds within a communityRead MoreA Career as a Registered Nurse Essay938 Words  | 4 PagesA Registered Nurse is a person who enjoys helping other people. They practically have the responsibility for many peoples lives. What’s interesting about a Registered Nurse is that they get to learn about all the parts of the human body. A Registered Nurse works in the medical field and needs to be ready with anything that comes their way. There could be a sudden death, some kind of medical issue that pops up, and even a patient just falls over and hurt themselves. As a Registered Nurse they needRead MoreThe Career As A Professional Registered Nurse941 Words  | 4 Pagessuccess as a professional Registered Nurse (RN) requires hard work, compassion and empathy. It is important to realize the journey is challenging, but is fulfilling. The registered nurse profession was established in the 1800s. For over two hundred years a registered nurse has helped those in need. The responsibilities of nurses is to educate their patients on many types of diseases as well as provide guidance to patients and their loved ones. It is important for nurses to express compassion, emotionalRead MoreProfessional Career As A Registered Nurse1744 Words  | 7 PagesA professional career as a registered nurse can be very rewarding, but it entitles hard work and dedication. The main purpose of a registered nurse is to provide care, education, and support to their patients. Their responsibilities mainly depend on the ty pe of file they work in. For example, an emergency nurses, labor and delivery nurses, and school nurses each have specific duties they need to perform in accordance to their job. Though, in general, Registered Nursing responsibilities are very similarRead MoreCareer Goals For Registered Nurses851 Words  | 4 PagesOutlining Your Career Goals Registered nurses work alongside physicians providing patient care in a variety of ways. A few examples of what nurses are responsible for include: administering medications, tracking patient’s vital signs, helping to diagnose and properly treat patient aliments and educating the patient and their family on their condition and the course of treatment. Depending on what area of medicine a nurse works in will determine more generalized and specific duties and responsibilitiesRead MoreCareer of Registered Nurse738 Words  | 3 PagesIntroduction: Registered nurses have several duties and responsibilities that can range depending on the organization that they work for. Registered Nurse’s may be employed in physicians offices, schools, hospitals, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, clinics, and even in prison settings. They are responsible to provide direct care to patients that are done under the order and supervision of a licensed health professional. The licensed healthcare professionals include physicians, nurse practitionersRead MoreCareer Research : Registered Nurse2452 Words  | 10 PagesCareer Research Paper: Registered Nurse Healthcare is a field of study that is concerned with the maintenance or restoration of the mind or body. More specifically a Registered Nurse is a person who is especially prepared in the scientific basis of nursing and who meets certain prescribed standards of education and clinical competence. A nurse provides services essential to or helpful in the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health and well-being of a patient. This career path was myRead MoreMy Career As A Registered Nurse878 Words  | 4 Pages My short-term goals include passing my state boards upon graduation and then finding a fulfilling job as a Registered Nurse (RN) at a major local hospital. Currently, I work at Summa Akron City Hospital and it would be seamless for me if I could obtain a job there as a nurse in one of their intensive care units. After a few years of practice, I plan to get my certification in Critical Care Nursing. Beyond that, my long-term goals for the future are to attend grad uate school at University of AkronRead MoreThe Career Goal Of Advance Practice Registered Nurse1614 Words  | 7 PagesïÆ'Ëœ Highly conscientious, dedicated and qualified skilled Registered Nurse with 20+ years background, experience within Emergency Department, Medical/Surgical ICU, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Case Management setting where a diverse professional skill are utilized with excellent assessment and analytical skills seeking Nurse Corps Scholarship to advance my career goal of Advance Practice Registered Nurse ïÆ'Ëœ Have extensive experience in working with a broad range of medical conditions, patient careRead MoreCareer Path to Become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist1051 Words  | 5 PagesCertified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are one of the most advanced types of nurses. They are responsible for providing quality anesthesia and anesthesia-related care in order to facilitate diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical procedures (America Association of Nurse Anesthetists, 2010). While their services are mainly used in the surgical setting, CRNAs can also provide assistance for pain management associated with obstetrical labor and delivery or for chronic and acute pain. Although
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Northern Humanist Essay - 1154 Words
The Northern Humanists were firm believers in higher education. Yet, they were also very critical of the way it was carried it out. Analyze their main criticisms of higher education and learning. The Northern Humanists are strong believers in higher education. They differed from the more Italian approach; The Northerners emphasized education across a broader band of society, not just a more scholarly yet secluded class of intellectuals. Somewhat oddly, the study of the ancient classics was valued, but not thought to have much relevance in solving their current issues. Thus those who were attracted to the new learning tended to be those who were simply curious rather than those who were dedicated to discovering†¦show more content†¦Similarly, when the imaginative and well educated Conrad Celtis travelled from Germany to visit Italy, he was unfavorably impressed with the pretensions of Italian intellectuals and their scorn for the North.(Wilcox p.279). Overall there was more support for humanist thought in the North by the ruling class, perhaps because they were more pleased to hire educated men to attend them in their councils. Erasmus believes in the need of a universal language, both in verse and prose. He was well versed in Latin and in Greek. Erasmus and Thomas More were both staunch Catholics, opposed the reformation as proposed by Martin Luther but thought the church needed adjustments. Erasmus differed from some of Mores ideas, for instance he believed in free will of the individual, whereas More did not. They all advocated social reform and were interested in improvement for society. Erasmus thought science unworthy of a gentleman. Erasmus appeared as a responsible and constructive critic of society. He attacked the superstition and formalism of late medieval religion, offering in their place a simple piety that could appeal to all levels of society.(Wilcox) Castiglione writes an instruction manual or self help book on how to make your way up the Courtier ladder. Men should have a well roundedShow MoreRelatedAlbrecht Durer s Self Portraits2317 Words  | 10 PagesSelf-Portraits Introduction The life of Albrecht Durer is described as that of a person who spent it on influencing art, culture and society during the Northern Renaissance. During his time, he represented and witnessed some of the most momentous events in the modern European history, including both cultural and religious dimensions of the religious humanist movement1. He conceptualized the movement of Martin Luther as part of the larger matrix of religious and theological reforms that were grounded inRead MoreAlbrecht Durer s Self Portraits2317 Words  | 10 PagesSelf-Portraits Introduction The life of Albrecht Durer is described as that of a person who spent it on influencing art, culture and society during the Northern Renaissance. During his time, he represented and witnessed some of the most momentous events in the modern European history, including both cultural and religious dimensions of the religious humanist movement1. He conceptualized the movement of Martin Luther as part of the larger matrix of religious and theological reforms that were grounded inRead MoreAlbrecht Durer: Catalyst of the Northern Renaissance Essay2177 Words  | 9 Pagesand worked. These artists are based mainly in Southern Europe of course, but what about Northern European countries like Germany? What were the Germans up to and how did this new way of thinking as well as new use of techniques and tools spread up there, to Germany, and other countries? It is believed by many that Albrecht Durer was the main catalyst and one of the most important contributors for the Northern Renaissan ce. Many artists visited Italy at the time of the Italian Renassaince, but DurerRead MoreThe History Of Western European Religious Landscape989 Words  | 4 Pagesmixed ideas and emotions. The enlightenment and cumulative effort of individuals of that time produced different ideas contributing to the renaissance or re-birth of religious doctrine. Change was instigated by various Italian humanists or Popes of the era, norther humanists such as Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Henry VII, and Queen Elizabeth I were some of the participants that changed the paradigm of Western European religious landscape. Like the secular despots, popes engagedRead MoreWhy Did The Renaissance Come From Northern Europe?1696 Words  | 7 PagesWhy did the Renaissance come later to northern Europe than to Italy and what were its distinctive characteristics? The Renaissance, a term coined by Giorgio Vasari in 1550 , is used to describe the period of cultural and intellectual change which started in Italy and then spread across the rest of Europe. This development in society led to Europe stepping out of the medieval era and becoming a powerhouse on a global scale. The Italian Renaissance is what the majority of people think ofRead MoreComparing The Italian And Italian Renaissance1748 Words  | 7 PagesOctober 26, 2015 Art 111 Northern Renaissance and Italian Renaissance Differences between the Italian and Northern Renaissance The Renaissance was a period of great cultural and technological changes which swept Europe from the end of the 13 century. It was integral in developing Europe into a powerhouse. Although, each part of Europe was subjected to different changes, there were two primary renaissances which were most notable. They were the Italian and the Northern renaissance. Both of theseRead MoreSimilarities Between Humanism And Italian Humanism1945 Words  | 8 Pagesas the first great humanist. Humanism first started to become popular in the mid-15th century though during the Italian Renaissance due to many factors but at the same humanism was spreading all throughout Europe and became increasingly popular in Northern Europe, but didn’t spread as fast. With humanism spreading around in different areas of the world it was safe to assume that the teachings and practice of humanism from these areas would also be different. With Italian humanists focusing more onRead MoreDid The Reformation Ha d Been Stopped? Why Or Why Not?988 Words  | 4 Pagesfollowers which sparked the challenge of Papal powers during the Renaissance period. With the development of humanism during the Renaissance came a new idea of change known as known as the â€Å"Northern Renaissance humanism†which demanded amendments to Christianity. (Speilvogel p. 368) These northern humanists, all shared the desire to improve their knowledge of Christianity, help the needy of the lower classes, and share what they learned. They wanted to challenge the very foundation of deceit fromRead MoreThe Bubonic Plague And The Renaissance865 Words  | 4 Pagesmeditative withdrawal. The main thread of the humanistic belief was that man, possessing of a vast range of powers, was the center of his own universe a, a theme which featured heavily in the art, literature and architecture of that time period. Humanists believed in the enjoyment of wealth and materialism and worried less about the need for God in their lives. They valued secularism over religion and emphasized strongly on physical beauty, individualism, and man’s achievements. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Kinship and the Inuit People Free Essays
It takes a certain type of person to be able to survive the harsh freezing climate of the Arctic. The Inuit, descendants of the Thule have been surviving along the shores of the Arctic Ocean, Hudson Bay, Davis Strait, and Labrador Sea for over 1,000 years. The kinship relationships among the Inuit people are very important to their way of life and survival. We will write a custom essay sample on Kinship and the Inuit People or any similar topic only for you Order Now Every family unit consists of the nuclear family. This is the most common type of unit in a foraging society, such as the Inuit. The nuclear family is the mother and/or father and their children. Occasionally, the Inuit nuclear family will include a spouses’ widowed mother or father or a single adult sibling. The village will contain several other households sharing kin members. This is important because they participate in generalized reciprocity. Generalized reciprocity is a form of exchange where there is no expectation for the immediate return of an item or service in exchange for something else. The different households visit each other, share food, and work together to complete everyday tasks. During the seal hunting season, about 15 different households come to work together. This is very important because seals are used for more than just their meat. They use the sealskins for various things such as boot liners, waterproofing clothes, houses, and kayaks, and the blubber for household lighting. However, â€Å"whenever food was abundant, sharing among non-relatives was avoided, since every family was supposedly capable of obtaining the necessary catch. In situations of scarcity, however, caribou meat was more evenly distributed throughout camp†(Laird Nowak, 2010, p 3. ). This generalized reciprocity helps to ensure the survival of the people in times of need. However, because it is not done all the time, there is little conflict. During times of scarcity, the Inuit people have practiced infanticide. One of the reasons they do this is so the older children or adults do not starve. However, it has been noticed that they prefer female over male infanticide. This is m ost likely because the boys will grow up to be the hunters. A few women do hunt, but it is considered the men’s responsibility. Women do contribute to the food by gathering grasses, berries, tubers, stems, and seaweed. However, because there is very little vegetation in the Arctic, women are not the main contributors of food. They process and prepare the meats the men bring home. Women are expected to take care of the children and the house. This is one of the closest similarities between our culture and theirs’. In our society, women are still considered the primary caretaker of children and elder family members. Women are expected to come home from work or â€Å"berry gathering†and prepare dinner. Women run the household chores such as cleaning and laundry. Inuit women clean and sew for the children and men, except when the men go away to hunt and have to do it themselves. In our culture, men sometimes help with household chores, such as cooking, although they have the option of ordering in. Our culture also practices generalized reciprocity. Families gather together to share meals and everyday chores. We go to visit other households to enjoy holidays and birthdays. Family members exchange gifts, foods, and just enjoy being together. Some families gather to help one another out like when we moved. My father-in-law helped by lending us his truck. There was nothing expected in return. The one thing we do not share with the Inuit culture is infanticide. Although I understand why they do it, I would not be able to. In our culture, the parents would end up in prison. We also do not place as much importance on the sex of the child. The only benefit of a boy would be the passing on of the family name. However, today women can decide to keep the family name and add on their husbands, instead of giving up theirs for his. Although our cultures have many similarities, they are also very different. Kinship relationships are important in every society, including ours and the Inuit. However, our survival is not dependent on these relationships, whereas the Inuit are. Without the kinship of the Inuit, they would not be able to survive the harsh winters of their environment. It does take a very special type of people to survive the Arctic. The Inuit have proved to be one of them. How to cite Kinship and the Inuit People, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Becoming a Vet free essay sample
â€Å"You can’t be a vet,†Nancy, my riding coach, said. â€Å"You won’t have time to ride, and you won’t like it.†My initial response was, why? Having my coach, of all people, tell me I couldn’t pursue my passion was the hardest thing. My heart dropped, and the lump in my throat grew bigger. â€Å"Because you won’t have time to ride, and if you want to ride, you can’t be a vet. You’re going to need to make good money if you want to be in the Olympics, and go to the World Cup Finals.†At that moment I knew where she was going with this. â€Å"You can be a pharmacist,†Nancy said. At first, it sounded like a good idea. I would make decent money, and have good hours. Right then and there, I switched what I wanted to do; I was going to be a pharmacist. We will write a custom essay sample on Becoming a Vet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My mom and dad always said, â€Å"No matter what you do, we will support you.†But this time, it was different. My dad knew something was wrong; he wasn’t satisfied with the fact I changed my dreams just for one person. â€Å"Are you sure you don’t want to be a vet?†he would ask. The only reason I had that was backing my decision was because I would be able to pursue my horseback riding dreams. I always wanted to go to the Olympics, and Nancy and I know I have the talent to make it. That night, I was questioning whether or not I had made the right decision. A few weeks had passed with a loss of sleep, and much stressed out. Every night I would ask myself, â€Å"Was this really what I wanted to do?†Then, the day came when my misery ended. One of my favorite equine veterinarians came to examine one of my horses. She, along with others, had always said that I should pursue my passion. The moment came when she said, â€Å"Do you really want to be stuck inside all day, counting pills, and wearing a white lab coat?†I knew she was dramatizing a bit, but she made an excellent point. Right then, I knew that I couldn’t change my dreams to satisfy the ones of others. I mean, what if something happened where I couldn’t ride ever again. I made myself the saying; I can’t have a hobby without a job. The triumph was big for me; it was a moment where I found myself. I realized that I can’t live to satisfy others if I am not making m yself happy. I plan to go onward with no fences; nobody can take me from pursuing my dreams. I made strong connections with the vets who know that I can do it. Though sadly I have disappointed my coach, I have learned that I need to make myself happy, and being an equine veterinarian will take me there.
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