Thursday, December 26, 2019
Realigning Elections in American History
Since the stunning victory by Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 United States Presidential election, the discourse around words and phrases such as â€Å"political realignment†and â€Å"critical elections†have become more commonplace not only among political analysts but also in mainstream media. Political Realignments A political realignment occurs when a particular group or class of voters changes or in other words realigns with a political party or candidate who they vote for in a particular election – known as a critical election or this realignment may be spread out over a number of elections. On the other hand, â€Å"dealignment†occurs when a voter becomes disenfranchised with his or her current political party and either chooses not to vote or becomes an independent. These political realignments take place in elections involving the U.S. Presidency and the U.S. Congress and are signified by power changes of the Republican and Democratic parties that constitute ideological changes both issues and party leaders. Other important factors are legislative changes which affect campaign financing rules and voter eligibility. Central to realignment is that there is a change in voter’s behavior. 2016 Election Results In the 2016 election, although Trump is winning at the time of this writing the Electoral College by a margin of 290 to 228 votes; Clinton is winning the overall popular vote by more than 600,000 votes. In addition, in this election, American voters gave the Republican Party a clean power sweep – the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. One key to the Trump victory was that he won the popular vote in three of the so-called â€Å"Blue Wall†States: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Blue Wall States are those who have solidly supported the Democratic Party over past ten or so presidential elections. With respect to the electoral votes: Pennsylvania has 20, Wisconsin has 10, and Michigan has 16. Although these states were essential in propelling Trump to victory, it is important to note that his margin of victory from these three states totaled approximated 112,000 votes. If Clinton had won these three States, she would be the President-elect instead of Trump. In the ten Presidential elections prior to 2016, Wisconsin had only voted Republican on two occasions – 1980 and 1984; Michigan voters had voted Democrat in six straight Presidential elections prior to 2016; and as well, in the ten Presidential elections prior to 2016, Pennsylvania had only voted Republican on three occasions – 1980, 1984 and 1988. V. O. Key, Jr. and Realigning Elections American political scientist V.O. Key, Jr. is most well-known for his contributions to behavioral political science, with his major impact being on election studies. In his 1955 article A Theory of Critical Elections, Key explained how the Republican Party became dominant between 1860 and 1932; and then how this dominance shifted to the Democratic Party after 1932 by using empirical evidence to identify a number of election which Key termed as â€Å"critical,†or â€Å"realigning†which resulted in American voters changing their political party affiliations. While Key specifically starts with 1860 which was the year that Abraham Lincoln was elected, other scholars and political scientists have identified and/or recognized that there have been systematic patterns or cycles which have regularly taken place in the U.S. national elections.  While these scholars are not in agreement as to the duration of these patterns: periods that range from every 30 to 36 years as opposed to 50 to 60 years; it does appear that the patterns have some relationship with generational change. Election of 1800 The earliest election which scholars have identified as realigning was in 1800 when Thomas Jefferson defeated the incumbent John Adams. This election transferred power from George Washington and Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist Party to the Democratic-Republican Party which was led by Jefferson. Although some argue that this was the birth of the Democratic Party, in reality, the party was established in 1828 with the election of Andrew Jackson. Jackson defeated the incumbent, John Quincy Adams and resulted in the Southern States taking power from the original New England colonies. Election of 1860 As stated above, Key explained how the Republican Party became dominant starting in 1860 with the election of Lincoln. Although Lincoln was a member of the Whig Party during his early political career, as President he led the U.S. to abolish slavery as a member of the Republic Party. In addition, Lincoln and the Republic Party brought nationalism to the United States on the eve of what would become the American Civil War. Election of 1896 The overbuilding of railroads caused several of them, including the Reading Railroad, to go into receivership which caused hundreds of banks to fail; resulting in what was the first U.S. economic depression and is known as the Panic of 1893. This depression caused soup lines and public ire towards the present administration and made the Populist Party the favorite to take power in the 1896 Presidential election. In the 1896 Presidential election, William McKinley defeated William Jennings Bryan and while this election was not a true realignment or did it even meet the definition of a critical election; it did set the stage for how candidates would campaign for office in subsequent years. Bryan had been nominated by both the Populist and Democratic parties. He was opposed by the Republican McKinley who was backed by a very wealthy individual who used that wealth to conduct a campaign that was intended to make the populace fearful of what would happen if Bryan won. On the other hand, Bryan used the railroad to make a whistle-stop tour giving twenty to thirty speeches daily. These campaign methods have evolved into the modern day. Election of 1932 The 1932 election is widely considered as the most well-known realignment election in U.S. history. The country was in the middle of the Great Depression as a result of the 1929 Wall Street Crash. Democratic candidate Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his New Deal policies overwhelmingly defeated incumbent Herbert Hoover by a margin of 472 to 59 Electoral Vote. This critical election was the underpinnings of a massive overhaul of American politics. In addition, it changed the face of the Democratic Party. Election of 1980 The next critical election occurred in 1980 when Republican challenger Ronald Reagan defeated the Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter by the tremendous margin of 489 to 49 Electoral Votes. At the time, approximately 60 American’s had been held hostage since November 4, 1979, after the U.S. Embassy in Tehran had been overrun by Iranian students. The Reagan election also marked a realignment of the Republican Party to being more conservative than ever before and also brought about Reaganomics which was designed to fix severe economic issues that confronted the country. In 1980, the Republicans also took control of the Senate, which marked the first time since 1954 that they had control of either house of Congress. (It would not be until 1994 before the Republican Party would have control of both the Senate and the House simultaneously.) Election of 2016 – Realigning Election? The real question with respect as to whether the 2016 election victory by Trump is a â€Å"political realignment†and/or a â€Å"critical election†is not easy to answer a week after the election. The United States is not experiencing internal financial distress or facing negative economic indicators such as high unemployment, inflation, or increasing interest rates. The country is not at war, although there are threats of foreign terrorism and social unrest due to racial issues. However, it does not appear that these were major issues or concerns during this election process. Instead, one could argue that neither Clinton or Trump were viewed by voters as being â€Å"Presidential†due to their own ethical and moral issues. In addition, since lack of honesty was a major hurdle which Clinton attempted to overcome throughout the campaign, it is quite plausible that out of fear of what Clinton would do if elected, voters chose to give the Republicans control of both houses of Congress.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Impact Of Friendship On People s Lives - 1336 Words
The Impact of Friendship Close social relationships have a dramatic affect on people’s lives. Specifically, friendships are amazing in that each one is different yet all friendships share several qualities. Although friendships are a very positive thing to have, they also come with costs. Friendships have always intrigued me, so I found it fascinating to learn about the impact they have and it gave me a new perspective to look at my own friendships. Friendships can be very different from one another but they all have recognizable characteristics. Floyd (2011) defines these characteristics of friendship as voluntary, between peers, governed by rules, differ by sex, and have a lifespan. People become friends with one another out of choice,†¦show more content†¦These rules can vary from behavior to the feelings one has about their friend. Criticizing a friend behind their back or being dishonest are widely looked down upon. These rules are unchanged by differences in sex but other aspects of the friendship differ. Floyd (2011) states that same-sex friends value different aspects of their friendships. Friendships between women tend to emphasize conversation and emotional expressiveness. Men’s friendships place more of a focus on shared activities and interests according to Floyd (2011). I personally find this quite accurate to examples in my life. On the other hand, opposite-sex friendships are valuable as they allow both men and women to see things from each other’s perspectives. Floyd (2011) says that opposite-sex friendships allow men to be emotionally expressive and women to partake in shared activities. Many reasons can prevent an opposite-sex friendship from becoming a romantic relationship. A lack of physical attraction, wanting to protect an existing friendship, and fear of rejection, are a few of the reasons Floyd (2011) lists. The final characteristic is that friendships have lifespans. An unfortunate reality, but as Floyd (2011) puts it, most friendships are initiated, maintained, and eventually many of them end. Nagging, criticizing, abuse of alcohol and drugs, and hostile behaviors can lead to declining friendships, which
Monday, December 9, 2019
Report for Concept of Mobile Computing -
Question: Write about theReport for Concept of Mobile Computing. Answer: Introduction This is about my learning on the topic for mobile computing. In the present era, Smartphone and tablets have become a driving force for the high productivity of the employees. The analysis is based on rich base for knowledge and insights associated with consumers, employees and operations (Dihn et al., 2013). It needs to be understood here that it becomes a spark for business as well as services. Effectiveness of the learning experience The overall learning from the research says that the future of the business computing is always away from headquarter and slowly moving towards embracing the concept of mobile computing. The main reasons for the study are that I got to learn different kind of possible occurrences and overall discussion among the CIOs also known as chief information officers (Gikas Grant, 2013). This is for the users to properly or rightly access the corporate with the help of mobile computing on Smartphone and other form of computers. Usefulness of the learning process Here, the major focus is on how international economy is little shaky and large firms are actually focusing on the activities for reducing cost and one of the important cost cutting activities involves premises and people. One ways here is that organizations can gain is to decrease regional offices as well as it is also based on getting the staff to work from any part of the world with the help of mobile computing (Weiggel et al., 2015). I understood the concept of working through mobiles since a very long time and while working on long term project, I realized that the advantages are not completely implemented and identified. Learning process The learning process is done by using Kolb model for learning which is done through recognizing the activities which help in setting a proper process of lifecyle. These processes are processing and perception. Perception is associated with the way we or an organization take the information and processing is associated with how an organization or we address the information (Rahimi et al., 2014). The learning process helped in understanding that the demand that is based on accessing the business information as well as its implementation with the help of mobile technologies is surging or based on consumer preferences and there is attitude spill over into the business staff. There is a massive amount of development related to adoption of different technologies worldwide has different business managers wondering on how impact fully position of the company can benefit from such trends (Pejovic Musolesi, 2015). Evaluation of learning process The speed of broadband is increasing and hotspots are becoming a commonplace and with increase amount of communication further implies that data can move from place to another in fast manner. In addition, the concept of mobile video calls along with video conferencing can be doable in a perfect manner. There is no reason to make work from a single office since mobile computing is now help the workers to study in a feasible manner. It seems that many employees working from home can put more efforts and can be more effective since there is lack of interruptions from other employees. In addition, there is also a threat of different kind of terrorism like political terrorism. So a risk management executive in a company will have to ensure that the business continuity is intact and the employees can work flexibly in addition to proper security step taken. Explanation about the learning It is important to understand here that the suffering or the loss through assaults can happen at any place like highway network, traffic control system, public transport and bridges. Everything can stop the workforce to work and these costs a lot for organization. The company can create an out of office strategy which helps the company to future proof the business and its continuity. There are number of environmental issues as well and it is important to understand that the concept of global warming is associated with the concept of global wetting however; climate change is associated with crucial impact on patterns of working. There are number of disruption that goes through a lot of natural calamities like hurricane, flood, snowfall and many more. This is why flexible working patterns become even more important and mobile computing is a boon in this case. Application of learning It is important to understand here that the unlike early days, many companies in the present time is not taking any haphazard approach towards mobile computing since the approach is so planned by trying different technologies to organize. It is the time to craft a more comprehensive approach from the ground level and to be bold means that right amount of time is taken and it helps in identifying that mobile computing has the power to change the business processes completely. Conclusion The overall learning says that the concept of mobile computing makes it crucial to aim on laying a strong foundation to build upon and for this, understanding different devices, mobile commerce and network are some of the projects. The concept of integration, security, designs and analysis are basic for the masters to make sure that such projects can succeed. The mobility drive is part of diverse technologies as a part of agenda for most organizations in the present time. The concept of enterprise mobility is one of the biggest challenges for mobile computing with many challenges. Security is one of the biggest issues and every company has to deal with it on priority basis. Reference Dinh, H.T., Lee, C., Niyato, D. and Wang, P., 2013. A survey of mobile cloud computing: architecture, applications, and approaches.Wireless communications and mobile computing,13(18), pp.1587-1611. Gikas, J. and Grant, M.M., 2013. Mobile computing devices in higher education: Student perspectives on learning with cellphones, smartphones social media.The Internet and Higher Education,19, pp.18-26. Pejovic, V. and Musolesi, M., 2015. Anticipatory mobile computing: A survey of the state of the art and research challenges.ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR),47(3), p.47. Rahimi, M.R., Ren, J., Liu, C.H., Vasilakos, A.V. and Venkatasubramanian, N., 2014. Mobile cloud computing: A survey, state of art and future directions.Mobile Networks and Applications,19(2), pp.133-143. Weigel, M., Lu, T., Bailly, G., Oulasvirta, A., Majidi, C. and Steimle, J., 2015, April. Iskin: flexible, stretchable and visually customizable on-body touch sensors for mobile computing. InProceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(pp. 2991-3000). ACM.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Great Ideas Vs. Political Totalitarianism an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by
The Great Ideas Vs. Political Totalitarianism Great Ideas The European Enlightenment, French Revolution, and Victorian Liberalism shared a common vision of the individual, political life, and the ideal society. The two great political philosophies of the 20th century, fascism (Nazism) and communism, differed in their vision (of the individual, political life, and ideal society), but both produced totalitarianist societies. The European Enlightenment came about as a reaction to the feudalist worldview of the Middle Ages. Both the French Revolution and Victorian Liberalism were off-shoots of the Enlightenment. Under feudalism society was based on a hierarchy: the lord, landowner, ruled his vassals (or serfs), who worked the land. A middle class did not exist. The Enlightenment idea of freedom, to make public use of one's reason in all matters (Losonsky, 2001, p.1), created the public sphere where ideas could be exchanged. Public opinion became increasingly more important in the 18th and 19th centuries, which in turn gave rise to the public ma rket place, where goods could be sold, thus creating a middle class. Need essay sample on "The Great Ideas Vs. Political Totalitarianism" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Freedom was an important concept of the Enlightenment, French Revolution, and Victorian Liberalism. However, it was not the 21st century idea of freedom. The freedom that could be granted the masses was that they recognize the moral and intellectual superiority of the few who, in virtue of a happy combination of personal gifts with accidental advantages, ought to be regarded as their natural leaders, andtheir guidance, not slavishly but willingly, and with an intelligent co-operation. (Stapleton, 1998, p.80) Great Ideas The two great political experiments of the 20th century, fascism and communism, stand in contrast with the great ideas of the Enlightenment, French Revolution and Victorian Liberalism for both viewed the public sphere as something to be completely controlled by the state. German fascism came about as a reaction to the depressed economic conditions which resulted from the defeat and destruction of World War One. Many Germans had a negative view of the democratic Weimar Republic, i.e. they believed the Republic could not adequately cope with the depression. The institution of the Republic was the epitome of what German radical nationalism opposed: it represented liberal incompetence, socialist subversion, class divisiveness and international conspiracy against the German Volk. (Kallis, 2000, p.31) The Nazi Party, under Adolph Hitlers leadership, promised to restore Germany. Territorial expansion proved to be one of the ways that Hitler would try to bring German restoration, while usher ing in a totalitarianist regime that subordinated the individuals ideas and desires to the government. Karl Marx and Max Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto, in the 18th century, which influenced the Russian communist leader, Vladmir Lenin. In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels divide industrialized societies into two classes: the proletariats and bourgeoisie. The proletariats are the workers, and the bourgeoisie are the ruling class. The goal of Marxist communism is the overthrow of the bourgeoisie, and putting power into the hands of the proletariat, although not the entire proletariat class, but a handful, or the ruling proletariats. Russia under the Bolsheiviks, lead by Lenin, overthrew the Tsar and set up a communist form of government. Russia, however, had never truly become an industrialized society, and Marx wrote about the problems of industrialization. What Russia ended up implementing was a totalitarianist government that did away with private property, and implemented collectivized ownership. It can be argued that the communism of the former United Soviet Socialist Republic was never truly Marxist communism. Works Cited Kallis, Aristotle. Fascist Ideology: Territory and Expansionism in Italy and Germany, 1922-1945. [book] Routledge, 2000. Losonsky, Michael. Enlightenment and Action from Descartes to Kant: Passionate Thought. [book] Cambridge University Press, 2001. Stapleton, Julia. James Fitzjames Stephen: Liberalism, Patriotism, and English Liberty, [journal article] Victorian Studies, Vol. 41, 1998.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Excited ABOUT, not for
Excited ABOUT, not for Excited ABOUT, not for Excited ABOUT, not for By Maeve Maddox Reader Alex has called my attention to a strange new usage with the word excited: People say excited for instead of excited about: Im excited for Avatar. It sounds clearly wrong to me. It sounds wrong to me as well. The phrase is being spread at a furious rate by entertainment writers. Anyone getting excited for Dan Browns new novel The Lost Symbol (gaming site) Lions fans at Ford Field excited for Ndamukong Suh (sports site) Kirstie Alley Excited for 17-Year-Old Sons Wedding (celebrity gossip site) A gaming site called NeoGAF seems especially determined to spread the abomination. Google tracks 8,190 examples from that site. I can think of one context in which for instead of about following excited could be justified: when one is sharing a friends excitement. On the pattern of I am happy for you, one could say Im excited for you. Otherwise, standard usage calls for excited about, as in these examples in which the writers (including entertainment writers) got it right: Why I Am Excited About the iPad Rube Goldberg competition gets teens excited about STEM Why you need to be excited about SpyParty Rivers excited about RB prospects Rolling Stone’s Reasons To Be Excited About Music Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Words with More Than One SpellingStory Writing 101â€Å"Least,†â€Å"Less,†â€Å"More,†and â€Å"Mostâ€
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Buildings to See in Tennessee
Buildings to See in Tennessee From Memphis to Nashville, Tennessee offers a variety of interesting and often surprising architecture. The great state of Tennessee even boasts a house by Frank Lloyd Wright and the controversial home of former Vice President Al Gore. Architecture in Memphis Graceland Mansion was home to rock star Elvis Presley from 1957 until his death on August 16, 1977. Its now a National Historic Landmark and the most popular tourist attraction in Memphis. In fact, it seem that all Memphis tourism centers around Graceland, but its also worth a trip into town to visit some of where the locals hang out. Not many skyscrapers on the eastern shore of the Mississippi River. The tallest building in Memphis is the 430 foot 100 North Main Building built way back in 1965. From this skyscraper, turn around to South Main Street, where youll find turn-of-the-20th century architecture in the historic arts district. Headed back toward Graceland Mansion is the mid-19th century Elmwood Cemetery, which got its start during the Rural Cemetery Movement. Nashville Sites Capitol State Park MallSite of many important buildings and memorials.Tennessee State CapitolDesigned by the noted architect William Strickland.The HermitageHome of President Andrew Jackson.The Nashville ParthenonWorlds only full size replica of the ancient Parthenon of Greece.Batman Building (ATT), Earl Swensson Associates Architect (1994)The tallest building in Tennessee.Belle Meade PlantationQueen of Tennessee Plantations.Historic GermantownGrand houses, workers cottages, and shotgun homes.Nashvilles Best Historical HomesRyman AuditoriumHome of the Grand Ole Opry Chattanooga Terminal Station, Chattanooga Choo ChooHunter Museum of American ArtWalnut Street Bridge, 1891, wrought-iron and steelThe privately owned Usonian home built for Seamour and Gerte Shavin by Frank Lloyd Wright is located at 334 N. Crest Road on Missionary Ridge. Plantation Houses Belle Meade Plantation, NashvilleOaklands, MurfreesboroRippavilla, Spring HillAntebellum Architecture Victorian Tennessee Historic Rugby, a Utopian community founded by Thomas Hughes, author of Tom Browns School Days Plan Your Trip to Tennessee Plenty of other excitement can be found all over the state. When visiting Discovery Park of America in Union City, remember that architects were involved with its making. And if the museum looks familiar it might be because Bostons famous Verner Johnson company had a hand in its design. The Great Smoky Mountains alone are enough of an excuse to get yourself to Tennessee, but then theres Dollywood in Pigeon Forge that will keep you there. Architectural gems can be found throughout the state, like the Langston Hughes Library on the Alex Haley Farm in Clinton, Tennessee, a small reference library designed in 1999 by Maya Lin. Plan your trip with Tennessee Tourism and the whole state can be your destination. Sources Tallest buildings in Memphis, EMPORIS, [accessed October 2, 2017]
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Group characteristics and development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Group characteristics and development - Essay Example Role of branch coordinator was to manage the branch, reporting to top management, looking after inventories, admissions, daily expenses account and fulfilling of targets. Role of faculty was providing customized service to every student, looking after academic related services and other staff for managing other activities like front and back end work, marketing etc. Rules come out with the positions. The group focused in delighting customers, fulfilling targets and working efficiently and effectively by being fully responsible for one’s work and maintaining good work culture. If any member violates this rules he/she would be warned once and if repeated, rewarded shown a pink slip. We also follow negative punishment method and appraisal method related to quality of work done in a month period. If we look at personality, then everyone have different personality and attitude because of different reasons, may be status, age, position, experience, education, intelligent quotient, etc. Anyone can approach the top management for any issues or confusions and way of interaction was formal. Some of them are very quiet and others are very aggressive as everyone has their own view of looking at the matter. Sometimes, unmanageable situations arise and it’s difficult to delight every member in a group. But we come out with a solution through brainstorming and feedback process involving each member in an organization that can at least satisfy each and every member in a group. A group in which I worked was different because, in my group there was high satisfaction level among each member, efficient and effective coordination among group members, mutual understanding, transparency, and a work culture that one will love to work with. Only problem faced by employee was that the management was unable to manage the branch properly and less decision making authorities were allocated to the ground level
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Funding body Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Funding body - Essay Example There are other fitness centers like Manchester Aquatics center, Trinity Sports center, Manchester Central Personal Training, Jodie O’Neil fitness Coaching, Ardwick Sports Hall, Momentum Leisure Club. But the fitness center will possess some unique features which will distinguish itself from its competitors. The fitness center is totally focusing on the customer needs and demands. The fitness center is mainly featuring four activities like spinning class, Boxing, Climbing, Dancing class. These four activities were chosen based on the market research done among the students. From the above table it can be seen that nearly 160 of the total respondents like climbing wall as this activity will bring a sense of achievement among them. 140 of the total respondents like dancing class. Climbing wall and dancing class are the two highest voted activities that this fitness center is providing. In case of dancing class, based on the research it is providing yoga, Pilates, belly dance and aerobics and some modern dance like Jazz. Yoga is the most popular dance among those. More than 130 students like spinning class. 15 bicycles will be there in spinning class and the fitness center is suggesting the members to make advance reservation. The atmosphere will be as night club which will boost the energy of students. Apart from these full size rings for boxing and large screen will be provided which will help the young people to release stress. Available Institutions to Fund a Small Start-up Company When a company is yet to be formed, it tries to raise long term finance from different sources. There are mainly three types of sources from where a company can get it startup capital for long term during its inception period. Some of the funding bodies which may finance our venture are as follow:- Venture capital A young private company that is yet to start and not yet ready to go for public offerings may seek for a venture capital financing. Here comes the venture capitalis t that is prepared to finance an untried concept that appears to have promising prospects. Venture capital funds support growing firms during their inception stages and before they are going for initial public offerings of shares. Firm will get venture capital as a form of equity capital. It represents a highly risky investment in the hope of earning higher return in future. It is expected that this concept will have a greater significance in the years to come. It typically invests into equity or quasi equity instruments in financial market which will be able to share the risk and profit of the investee firm. Venture capitalist not only invests in the new company but also guides the firm actively in taking major decisions. Financial burden of the assisted firm tends to be low. Venture capitalist normally close it position by liquidating the investment from the assisted firm after 7 years. (Chandra, 2011, p.436). Thus it can be said that it may help our fitness center funding. Pros a nd Cons of Venture Capital Financing The main important advantage of venture capital financing is the venture capitalists gamble on the new company. If the new succeeds they earn high rate of return but if the new idea fails then they absorb their losses. In case of bank loan the new firm would have to repay but here no obligations. If the business fails the new firm won’t have any burden on them. Beside this venture capital also help to grow business quickly. Without a
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Mia philippines Essay Example for Free
Mia philippines Essay The Philippines was first put on the map by Portuguese adventurer Magellan working for the Spanish throne on March 16, 1521. The Philippines had become a Spanish colony and was the first country to be named after a sovereign, Phillip II of Spain.1 Spanish rule had continued until 1898 when the Philippines had become an American colony following the Spanish-American War for the stately sum of $20 million. In 1942 during WWII, the Philippines had fallen under Japanese occupation and was liberated by American and Filipino forces under the leadership of General Douglas MacArthur in a fiercely contested battle that raged on between 1944 and 1945. The Philippines had attained its independence on July 4, 1946, and had a functioning democratic system. 2 The Philippines Archipelago consisted of 7,100 islands, covering an area of 299,735 square kilometers and was slightly larger than Arizona. The capital city of Manila was situated on the largest Philippine island of Luzon (see Exhibit 1). The Philippines had a gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of $3,400.3 The percentage of the population of the Philippines living below US$2 a day was 45.2 per cent in 2006.4 PHILIPPINE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Research conducted in 2009 showed that the Philippines was ranked 140th for ease of doing business and 155th for starting a business, out of a total of 178 countries. It took on average 15 procedures and a total of 52 days to complete business startup procedures in the Philippines compared to six procedures and 44.2 days and 5.8 procedures and 13.4 days for the same process in Asia and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, respectively.5 The Philippines had the second lowest savings and investment as share of GDP ratio in Asia6 (see Exhibit 2). PHILIPPINE FISHING INDUSTRY The Philippines has total territorial waters of 2.2 million square kilometers, of which coastal waters comprise 266,000 square kilometers and coastal reef area (10 to 20 fathoms deep, where reef fishing takes place) comprise 27,000 square kilometers.7 In 2003, the Philippines ranked eighth among the top fish-producing countries in the world with its total production of 3.62 million metric tons of fish, crustaceans, mollusks and aquatic plants (including seaweed). The production constituted 2.5 per cent of the total world production of 146.27 million metric tons.8 The fishing industry’s contribution to the country’s GDP was 2.3 per cent and 4.2 per cent, at current and constant prices, respectively. The industry employed a total of 1,614,368 fishing operators nationwide,9 of which the artisanal fisheries sector accounted for 1,371,676.10 Artisanal fishing operations were typically family-based and used smaller craft. There were a total of 469,807 fishing boats in the Philippines, of which 292,180 were non-motorized and 177,627 were motorized.11 Fish was not only an important source of nutrition, but as fishing did not require landownership or special permits it was an employment of last resort for people who had no other means of subsistence. MIA, DENMARK MIA was established in Denmark in 1975 by wealthy businessman Hagen Nordstrom, who dedicated the NGO to his wife Mia and made fighting poverty his life’s work. (MIA stood for â€Å"beloved†in Danish.) MIA had initially focused solely on poverty-alleviating projects in Africa and had expanded its operations to Latin America and the Caribbean only in the early 1990s. The grandson of Nordstrom, Gillis Nordstrom, had taken over as MIA chairman in 2004 on the eve of the Bander Aceh Tsunami of December 26, 2004, which devastated Southeast Asia and killed as many as 130,000 people.12 Nordstrom had taken initiative and redirected MIA to focus on disaster recovery and poverty alleviation projects in Southeast Asia. MIA had established an office in Manila in January 2006, and the young Danish development economist Borje Petersen was hired to manage the MIA Philippines office. Petersen was paid a starting salary of $75,000 a year plus housing, slightly below average for a comparable development economist position. Petersen knew that MIA’s attention was focused on Indonesia and Malaysia, which had been the hardest hit by the tsunami, and was anxious to carve out a position for MIA Philippines by designing an exceptional project. As the expansion into Asia was the pet project of MIA’s chairman, Petersen felt assured that funding would be easily appropriated and even expedited. Petersen knew that the average overseas posting for a development economist for MIA was two years and had quickly established contact with local and international stakeholders and set up numerous meetings with large development project counterparts such as the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank and the German development aid organization GFZ to get an expedited understanding of the Philippines and its unique needs. Based on the initial research, Petersen had decided that, whereas an agricultural project would be feasible, it would take a long time to realize and the outcome could be complicated given the Philippines’ proneness to be hit by typhoons. Petersen’s research had revealed that small-scale aquaculture projects had been successfully implemented in the Philippines in the past. However, there were hardly any projects to speak of directed at artisanal fishing and picking up on the vested opportunity and his desire to deliver fast results and prove himself worthy of the task that MIA and its chairman demanded, he had chosen to design a project helping artisanal fishermen. Petersen had researched the possibility of helping a fishing village close to Manila and the search for the ideal village had come to a successful ending when MIA’s driver, Vicente Tubo, had mentioned how some of his distant cousins fished for a living in a fishing village seven to nine hours by car from Manila. A factfinding mission to the village Barangay San Hagon was undertaken and the village was thus chosen as the beneficiary of MIA’s pilot project in the Philippines. BARANGAY SAN HAGON Barangay San Hagon boasted 125 households and had a resident population of 625. San Hagon lay on the south coast of Luzon, the largest island of the Philippines. The Barangay was the smallest administrative division in the Philippines and stemmed from the Spanish â€Å"Barrio.†13 Barangay San Hagon was administered by a local government unit (LGU) and consisted of seven Barangay council members and a chairman. The chairman of Barangay San Hagon was Rafael Buenaventura, age 59, who had held office for more than a decade. Fishing villages in the Philippines were very vulnerable to external risk, especially natural calamities such as typhoons, flooding and fish kills, which severely affected their financial situation.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Current Research on a New Spacecraft Autonomy Architecture named Remote
Remote Agent Part 1: Introduction to Spacecraft Autonomy Abstract This first paper of a two-part series introduces current research on a new spacecraft autonomy architecture, named Remote Agent, which applies artificial intelligence techniques to spacecraft control functions. The necessity for autonomy technology is nowhere greater than in deep space missions. Remote Agent is a model-based autonomous system being developed in a collaborative effort between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Ames Research Center. This spacecraft control scheme is composed of three parts that work together: 1) the Planner-Scheduler, 2) Mode Identification and Recovery, and 3) the Smart Executive. Models of the spacecraft's components and environment are given to Remote Agent and it figures out the necessary detailed operating procedures on its own. Because autonomy improves mission performance and reduces costs, autonomously controlled spacecraft will become more prominent in future space missions. Introduction The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is being confronted with the challenge to perform more frequent and intensive space-exploration missions at greatly reduced cost. Nowhere is this more crucial than among robotic planetary exploration missions that the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) conducts for NASA. This paper describes current research on a new spacecraft autonomy architecture using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to challenging computational problems in planning and scheduling, and real-time monitoring and control. Work on this software package combines research from diverse areas of AI such as model-based reasoning, qualitative reasoning, planning an... ...-122. 2. "Automata Theory", The New Encyclopedia Brittanica , Vol. 14, 1987 ed., pp 520-28. 3. Williams, Brian C., and P. Pandurang Nayak, Immobile Robots: AI in the New Millennium , AI Magazine, Fall 1996, pp. 16-35. 4. Wan, D., Braspenning, P., and G. Vreeswijk, Limits to Ground Control in Autonomous Spacecraft , Telematics and Infomatics, Vol. 12, No. 3/4, pp 247-59. 5. Schilling, K., De LaFontaine, J., and H. Roth, Autonomy Capabilities of European Deep Space Probes , Autonomous Robots, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1996, pp 19-30. 6. NASA New Millennium Program website, [ ] 7. Hanson, Mark L., and Lorraine M. Fesq, A Software Architecture for Next Generation Satellites , TRW Space and Electronics Group, Redondo Beach, CA, Presented at the 1997 Highly Autonomous Systems Workshop, Pasadena, CA, April 10-11, 1997.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Project Risk Management
Project risk management is aimed a avoiding bad surprises once we start executing the project plan. During the creation of the project plan, we identify risk, analyses them and plan our action to avoid the risk, transfer it or implement a contingency plan if the risk occurs. After we have planned our risk management process for the project, we begin by identifying the risks that the project faces. It's important to remember that these risks can be adverse to the project in the sense of causing it to finish late or cost more.Risk can also be positive or favorable in that is may let us deliver what's expected for less cost and finish early. We do the risk identification process with the project manager, project sponsor, stakeholders and team members. Risk quantification is the process of evaluating the risks that have been identified and developing the data that will be needed for making decisions The objective of quantification is to establish a way of arranging the risks in the order of importance. In most projects there will not be enough time or money to take action against every risk that is identified.Risk response development involves defining enhancement steps for opportunities and responses to threats. These generally fall into three categories †¢ Avoidance – eliminating a specific threat, usually by eliminating the cause †¢ Mitigation – reducing the expected monetary value of a risk event by reducing the probability of occurrence, reduce the risk event value, or both. †¢ Acceptance – accepting the consequences. Risk response control is the process by which risks are kept in the forefront of management discussions and thus, reviewed on a cyclic basis.Items that the risk register will hold in order to monitor and drive this process will include: †¢ Outstanding action; †¢ Action owner; †¢ Action issue date; †¢ Action status; †¢ Action response; and †¢ Action close-out date. The Risk Control Group will monitor the progress of the implementation of the agreed risk control measures. This will ensure that all risk control measures are incorporated efficiently and that any variations in the measure or any changes to the risk profile are identified and appropriate action is taken. The Risk Register will be a dynamic, growing document and will be updated, amended and revised on a regular basis.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Online Shopping versus Retail
I will be showing you the comparison and contrast between online shopping and going to an actual retail store. When you sit and think about it, there are many differences between the two, but which of the two would you find more convenient and save you the most money. Many consumers have their very own preference when it comes to shopping. When I think about the two, I find online shopping a bigger advantage, and also a wider variety of items I may not find in a retail store while walking around.The benefits of online shopping and what it offers to our consumers. With the click of the mouse all your Christmas shopping can be done – now all we have to do is teach our computers to wrap them as well. Thanks to the internet and online stores we can shop in any store, anywhere in the world from the comfort of our home, without the hassle of crowds, queues and parking. While there is a strong online presence, shoppers still love hitting the stores for experience of Christmas gift gi ving.Brands Exclusive and Living Exclusive head buyer Garth Allan said online shopping has definitely become the new trend in retail. Brands Exclusive is Australia's leading online shopping club and offers savings of up to 70%off RRPs for more than 800 international and Australian brands. More than 80,000 new members are joining each month with two million Australian members overall.Brands Exclusive recently launched an iPhone app and iPad app for members to gain access to sales anytime. â€Å"Browsing and buying in the store can be a very time consuming process, especially if you have a busy schedule as it. Online stores such as Brands Exclusive are accessible any time of the day or night offering genuine products at significantly Compare and contrast essay over online shopping verses retail shopping PG 3. reduced prices.â€Å"Online retailers also provide access to a broad range of brands and products in one place, making it much simpler for shoppers to browse and buy. â€ à ¢â‚¬Å"Today, people really value the time and effort saved from being able to purchase products at the click of a button verses going to a store. †He said because of that online shopping was a key part of the retail sector and was set to grow 14. 1% to $26. 9 billion by 2016, according to PWC's 2012 Australian and Bew Zealand Online ShoppingRetail shopping and the many benefits it offers to our consumers. Consumers have become increasingly sophisticated and demanding with the availability and abundance of products, services, information, technology, as well as retail stores and channels (Terblanche and Boshoff, 2004). From the consumer's viewpoint, obtaining value is a fundamental consumption goal and pivotal to all successful exchange transactions (Holbrook, 1994).In response, many retailers are seeking to turn shopping into a high-value pursuit and are highlighting consumer value as an important source of competitive advantage (Woodruff, 1997). Despite the importance of val ue in creating consumer shopping experiences, existing literature on shopping value is limited. Researchers have conceptualized consumer shopping value from different perspectives and disagree upon dimensions of shopping value. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of consumer shopping value is needed.This research seeks to understand consumer shopping value and its dimensions from a holistic view by connecting shopping motivations and processes to the ultimate outcome of shopping through exploring consumers' shopping experiences in two major shopping contexts: department stores and mass merchandisers. Department stores and mass merchandisers are of interest because they have reigned as primary retailers in the U. S. and have had a significant impact on the retail marketplace due to their size, longevity, national profile and large Compare and contrast essay over online shopping verses retail shopping PG 4.number of consumers they serve (Wellman, 1980 and Rabolt and Miler, 2009). Dep artment stores are large retail units, such as Macy's, Dillard's, and JCPenney in the United States, which generally carry an extensive assortment of merchandise organized into separate departments (Rabolt and Miler, 2009). Mass merchandisers are large retail discount stores such as Wal-Mart, Kmart, and Target, which serve the mass market (Rabolt and Miler, 2009).Department stores and mass merchandisers have applied different merchandising strategies and focused on different value propositions. Department stores emphasize fashion goods with higher markups, extensive service, and a pleasant shopping experience with the value propositions of entertainment, service, and scale. Mass merchandisers, on the other hand, offer a broad range of merchandise at lower prices, provide limited service, and tend to focus on moving merchandise quickly with the hallmark value propositions of low price and shopping convenience.Therefore, comparing consumer shopping experiences at department stores and mass merchandisers may capture key dimensions of shopping value in the retail marketplace and can shed light on the relationship between retail formats and the type of shopping value that consumers gain. Consumer shopping value: An investigation of shopping trip value, in-store shopping value and retail format Journal of Retailing and Consumer ServicesWhen you compare the two, you see that they both are a shopping experience that is a preference to one person. If you think of a difference in the two, one is online with modern technology in the comfort of your home or office and retail shopping requires you to drive your car, fight with crowds, search for parking, and stand in long checkout lines. Compare and contrast essay over online shopping verses retail shopping PG 5. In conclusion you can see by the compare and contrast there were several advantages and dis-advantages of the two.In my personal opinion I would consider the retail for my groceries and small trips for the necessa ry items that I may need to get by. When I am searching for a gift I usually turn to the internet, because it allows me to browse many stores and sites to find the bargains and pricing in my budget that I am willing to spend towards my purchase. I have got great bargains at retail shops and stores in the past. An example was recently on black Friday, I went to our local Wal-Mart and it was so overcrowded and long checkout lines I wished I would of reconsider that trip I made, but I was able to by many Christmas presents at a bargain price.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Online Writing Lab Essay Example
Online Writing Lab Essay Example Online Writing Lab Essay Online Writing Lab Essay Online Writing Lab is an online tool that helps students to improve their sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation. The tool has helped me to practice my writing by offering instructions in areas that are troublesome and where it was difficult to identify the mistakes. Sometimes, it is hard to find instructors and for this reason, OWL helps me with instructions without leaving my study area. While at be Excelsior college, I can access the online platform from the computer lab or the library. At home, I can also access I using my laptop increasing its convenience. By applying the rules of grammar and punctuation, I have been able to improve my writing skills. With the cost of hiring private tutor getting high and facing financial constraints, I have been able to identify sentence fragments and practice to correct them using brief instructional presentations. OWL has been very useful in understanding various paper formatting and style as it offers a guide. It offers the latest option for creating work cited lists as well as the in-text citation. In research, which is troublesome to most of the student, OWL has become a helper in meeting different expectations through practice. Students can avoid plagiarism, understand how sentence grammar and mechanics and apply the knowledge in writing their assignments. It is understood that for nurses, communication is of the essence and for this reason, every student should learn to communicate well in written documents. By clicking on various links that offer aid on my weak areas of writing, I have been able to follow direction, learn and has become knowledgeable.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Answers to Questions About Pronouns
Answers to Questions About Pronouns Answers to Questions About Pronouns Answers to Questions About Pronouns By Mark Nichol Here are a few questions about pronouns submitted by readers, along with my responses. 1. This sentence does not sound correct to me, and it was spoken by a high school English teacher: â€Å"She wanted my other sister and I to focus on it.†Is it right? Your instinct is spot-on: Remove â€Å"my other sister and,†and what are you left with? â€Å"She wanted I to focus on it.†Therefore, me is the appropriate form. (You wouldn’t write or say, â€Å"This sentence does not sound correct to I.†) I would be correct only if it were the subject, or part of the subject, of the sentence, as in â€Å"My other sister and I will focus on it.†2. If I am showing someone photographs, would I say, â€Å"This is me in a canoe,†or is it I? In your sentence, the personal pronoun is a predicate nominative it renames the subject, this so (in strictly formal writing, at least) it should be in the subjective form: â€Å"This is I in a canoe.†Most of us don’t talk or write that way, however, even in many formal contexts. 3. In your phrase â€Å"dysphemism assigns a mildly or scathingly pejorative term to a concept or person that may be considered neutral or positive,†is it correct to have that refer to a concept and a person? A person may be referred to as either a who or a that, though the former relative pronoun is preferred, but if a reference to a person is linked to a reference to a thing, as here, the pronoun must be that. To sidestep the issue, I could have written, â€Å"dysphemism assigns a mildly or scathingly pejorative term to a concept that, or a person who, may be considered neutral or positive.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:70 Idioms with HeartDisappointed + PrepositionHow to Write a Proposal
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Structure and Transition of Paragraphs and Sentence Construction Essay
Structure and Transition of Paragraphs and Sentence Construction - Essay Example Paragraphs could be made a little more cohesive and interwoven, at times your paragraph comprises of just a quote that can be avoided. Do try to add your own reflection/judgment on the quotes, which are great if aptly used. Your paragraph transitions are pretty ok but you need to put in your judgment for every episode so that your thesis will appear cohesive and well stretched out rather than expanded just for the heck of it. Probably you must have read/discussed some other works in class on similar lines do remember to draw comparisons as that will display a far greater understanding on your part. Your conclusion seems to be pretty much the same as you had started with, so probably your conclusion should contain a sort of wrap up of the thesis. You may stress the fact that men were absolutely vulnerable and did not learn from past mistakes. Bring out the weakness in their characters, you can show the strength of a woman’s character here, you may refer to Plutarch. Your senten ce structure is fine, you have basically used simple sentences which convey the meaning clearly you need to be a little careful with your vocabulary though for E.G. â€Å"ejected†is used more thrusting something out in this case â€Å"expelled†is more appropriate. You need to be a little careful with your grammar, I think more with the use of prepositions. While writing a thesis in Literature you actually need to include a lot of your own judgment rather than just incidents from the book. This will help you in expanding your answer to the desired level.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Research into the reality of having a True Distributed Computer System Essay
Research into the reality of having a True Distributed Computer System - Essay Example A distributed computer system is a set of organized independent computers (also known as terminals) that comes into view to its users like a single logical system. Distributed computer system offers a well-organized means to deal with fault-tolerance as well as proficiently share system resources like that memory units, processing fundamentals, data files, plus various resources. An effective and successful implementation of a distributed program typically necessitates one or more of the data and communication resources that exist on numerous terminals located at distant places of the Distributed computer system (Xing & Shrestha, 2006). This paper presents a detailed analysis of some of the main aspects of the reality of having a true Distributed Computer System. In this scenario this paper will assess some of the main aspects of the development of true Distributed Computing Environment which can offer appropriate co-operating subsystems. The main and core objective of this research is to assess important factors on which the development and establishment of a true distributed computer system is presently feasible and based upon these available systems and technologies. The effective implementation of numerous computer systems will need attention collectively to the structure of physical design in addition to the selection and accomplishment of an appropriate system’s setting in that to build and run system applications. A systems arrangement is foundational upon the domain structure. The domain structure limits the allocations as well as exchanging of data items. This feature eases the major problem in the application of a capability technique to uphold domains in a structure without combined memory that is a main stand of potentials to be required. It as well formulates the organization of the non shared items similar as they are able to be required simply at one computer at a time. Necessary sharing is as well managed
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Famous People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Famous People - Essay Example This paper argues that the famous people deserve to have a private life without journalists following them at all times. Famous people and private life One of the prominent figures of the twentieth century, Princess Diana, wife of Prince Charles, died in a car accident in 1997 when the paparazzi or yellow newspaper journalists followed her for knowing more about her private life. â€Å"Later tests showed the driver had been well over the legal alcohol limit, but immediate blame was on the photographers and their seemingly incessant quest to capture images of Diana that could be sold to the press†(Lewis, 2011). In other words, Princess Diana suffered death because of the over ambitions of the paparazzi to make more money by selling hot news about the private life of Diana. Diana and her newly found friend Dodi were inside the car and the photographers followed or chased Diana’s car in an attempt to take hot pictures which resulted in the car accident. The above incident clearly shows that there are instances in which famous people forced to face death because of the unethical behaviors of the journalists. Nobody likes to reveal anything about their private life. Famous people spend most of their times in the lime lights of the media.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Bariatric Surgery: Types and Applications
Bariatric Surgery: Types and Applications The rise of bariatric surgery is partly due to the epidemic of obesity in the United States. Because of this epidemic, the number of bariatric surgeries in 2003 was near 103,000. This number was up from 16,000 in 1992. Americans have increased in extreme obesity. Lack of exercise, failure of diets, the desire to want everything right now, has fueled the explosion of the medical procedure. There are so many obese people who are faced with weight induced disease and health complications such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, high LDL cholesterol, stroke, hypertension, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis (degeneration of cartilage and bone of joints), sleep apnea and other breathing problems. Those with these weight induced diseases have found that bariatric surgery can make many of these issues dissipate. Medical professionals are now even considering reducing the weight guidelines for bariatric surgery for people with these medical issues. Although the surgery has given a new lease on life to many, it is imperative that we remember that the procedure is a surgery. Basically, bariatrics is a field of medicine take specializes in treating obesity. When a patient undergoes bariatric surgery, they undergo a type of operation that should help promote weight loss. At this time, only those who suffer from severe obesity qualify for bariatric surgery. The results that are desired from bariatric surgery is to produce weight loss in the patient by restricting food intake by through a surgical process. There are currently four kinds of operations that are offered in the United States at this time. The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch (BPD-DS), vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) and adjustable gastric band (AGB) are all types of bariatric surgeries. Each type of surgery has risks and benefits. Each patient must decide with their doctor which option will work better for them. Generally food will move along the digestive tract as enzymes and juices absorb nutrients along with calories. The stomach can hold aro und three pints of food at a time. After leaving the stomach, digestion speeds up. Food moves from the duodenum, to the rest of the 20 foot long small intestine. The food that has not been digested once the food reaches the large intestine is stored there until elimination. Bariatric surgery makes some type of change to this process, in order to promote weight loss. Jejunoileal Bypass was the first operation created just to cause a patient to lose weight. This surgery was first performed at the University of Minnesota in the 1950s. Physicians no longer recommend a Jejunoileal Bypass as a bariatric surgical procedure. The risk that come with global, permanent and severe malabsorption was thought to be too be to dangerous to the patient. This procedure must also be followed by vital, long term follow ups to be successful. Many patients had to have this procedure reversed in order to live. In this surgery, called JIB for short, the stomach is left intact. The bypass induces a state of malabsorption because it bypasses most of the intestines. This procedure may have given excellent weight loss to patients but many suffered from complications like vitamin A D deficiencies, protein calorie malnutrition, kidney stones and diarrhea. One major complication was the toxic overgrowth of intestinal bacteria. This caused problems like skin trouble, arthritis, flu-like symptoms and even liver failure. Thankfully, the jejunoileal bypass is no longer performed due to its life threatening metabolic consequences. Gastric Bypass was also developed in the late 1960s by Drs. Ito and Mason. It was developed from the observation of weight loss from patients that had undergone surgery for ulcers. In these surgeries, part of the patients stomach had to be removed. At first, surgeons performed the surgery with a loop bypass. It was soon recognized that this caused bile reflux. Physicians started performing the operation in 1977, with a piece of intestine that is now joined to a very small stomach. This is to keep bile from getting to the upper stomach and esophagus. This procedure is now called Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Procedure or RYGBP. It is a mixed restrictive and malabsorptive procedure. The amount of intestine that is bypassed in this particular procedure is not enough to cause malabsorption of nutrients and proteins but the portion of intestine that is bypassed is the site where most of the absorption of iron and calcium should take place. Because of this, the most common long term complicatio n of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Procedure is anemia and osteoporosis. Patients who undergo this procedure should prepare for using a mineral supplement long term. The way in which the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Procedure works is multifaceted. It is thought that many of the behavioral changes patients feel after surgery has to do with hormone alterations and neural signals that are produced in the GI tract. Many patients feel a reduction in hunger and after they eat, feel full sooner. Many no longer suffer from bad food cravings and take a liking to healthy foods. Then there is a syndrome called dumping which is a sensitivity to sugar, that most patients experience. This may include palpitations, diarrhea, and other symptoms. These results happen within ten to thirty minutes of eating foods that consist of high amounts of sugar. In 1994, the Roux-Y gastric bypass was performed as a laparoscopic procedure and has quickly enhanced the surgery. Most patients lose less blood, have shortened hospital stays and less down time when they undergo the laparoscopic procedure, although the operation in more challenging and takes longer than the open procedure. The most common weight loss surgery is now the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Procedure. Most patients say that they have an increase in their quality of life. It has been proven to result in a durable weight loss and improvement in obesity related comorbidities. Illnesses such as diabetes, high cholesterol, liver disease, high blood pressure and many more have been proven to be control, improved or even cured. There is a procedure that uses gastric rings to control the size of the stoma in vertical banded gastroplasty. It is called the Ring Gastric Bypass. Surgeons use these rings to maintain the size of stoma and reduce stretching. This procedure has become a rational operation that is used to control obesity. With the ring functioning as the stoma, postprandial emesis is limited. The patient has the opportunity to eat various foods like meats and vegetables without problems. This surgery results in much more weight loss than in standard gastroplasty. Some complications of ring gastric bypass are marginal ulcers, stenosis, incisional hernia and staple line breakdown. In the surgery, biliopancreatic diversion, there is a change in normal digestion by making the stomach smaller and bypassing part of the small intestine, so that you take in less calories. There is a biliopancreatic diversion with or without a duodenal switch. In the biliopancreatic diversion surgery without the duodenal switch, some of the stomach is cut away. The remaining part of the stomach is then connected to the bottom part of the intestine. When surgeons do the duodenal switch, only a little part of the stomach is taken away. The rest of the stomach stays attached to the duodenum and then the duodenum is attached to the lower part of the small intestine. It is thought that this process would help to prevent ulcers. Because the duodenum is more tolerant of the acids from the stomach it is much more resistant to ulceration. Cutting away part of the stomach should help reduce the presence of acid. This surgery increases the amount of gastric restriction, helps the patient get th e right amount of protein, and decreases the dumping syndrome. Dumping is associated with this surgery as well, although it occurs less often with biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. Introduced in 1978, Gastric Banding is a purely restrictive bariatric procedure. Dr. Wilkinson developed a nonadjustable gastric banding to go around the upper part of the stomach. Ultimately, the dilatation of the pouch resulted in unsatisfactory weight loss. Dr. Molina, retried the gastric segmentation procedure in 1980. The stomach pouch was made smaller than in Dr. Wilkinsons procedure and a Dacron vascular graft was used to go around the upper stomach. This was eventually replaced because the graft adhered to the liver. Dr. Kusmak in 1983, used a band of silicone to go around the stomach to create a smaller stoma and smaller gastric pouch. In order to make the band adjustable this band was modified later. In 1986, Kuzmak created a silicone and with an inflatable balloon. The device was attached to a reservoir that is beaneath the skin, so that medical practitioners could adjust the band. When the balloon gets blown up, the band gets tighter and reduces weight. When the opposite happens to the balloon, the band gets loose and weight loss is reduced. This device can also be inserted laparascopically. At this time there are many types of adjustable bands available in the United States, none have been seen to be better than the other. In an adjustable band procedure, an intestinal bypass is not a part. Weight loss from restriction of food intake is how this procedure works. The impact on co-morbidities and rapid weight loss is less favorable when compared to the gastric bypass. There are groups who have had to undergo re-operation for long term complications. Some of the complications from this procedure are perforation, band erosion, hernia, band slippage, and a need for a revision. In the early 1970s gastroplasty was designed as a safer alternative to the RYGBP and the JIB. The first purely restrictive operation to treat obesity was made possible by mechanical staples. Riginally gastroplasty was done hotizontal and involved stapling the stomach into a small part by only leaving a small opening for food to pass between the upper to the lower stomach pouchs. This had very poor results for long term weight loss and was stopped. The vertical banded gastroplasty was then introduced. In this procedure there is a low mortality and deficiencies of micronutrients is virtually an abscent. Because of long term studies, VBG is being performed less often. Research shows that cases of weight regain and severe heartburn are high when compared to other procedures. There are many new, up and coming bariatric surgeries and trends in development stages. In 1996, Gastric pacing was first introduced in humans but is still considered experimental. It is an attempt to provide durable and significant weight loss that is non-malabsorptive and nonrestrictive. The mechanisim disrupts normal gastric myoelectrical activity, called an IGS, implantable gastric stimulator. Pulses are used to disrupt eating, causing you to feel full earlier. There have been setbacks with gastric pacing because of mechanical problems with the electrical leads. Clinical trials for this procedure are ongoing. The EndoBarrier Gastrointestinal Liner, also known as the endoluminal sleeve, is now in the late-stage clinical trials. It is thought that patients may get the benefits of surgery with a simple sleeve, incredible. Data shows that obese individuals achieved almost normal blood sugar levels in a week with uncontrolled diabetes using the endoluminal sleeve liner. As more benefits of bariatric surgery come to light, there has been a push to offer it to more people with lower body mass indexes. As diabetes continues to increase, more people will turn to bariatric surgery for its curative powers. Also we will see an increase in programs for obese teens as studies are showing that surgery quickly improves heart health for them. Less invasive bariatric procedures are currently being developed. There is a procedure being developed called Transoral gastroplasty. In this procedure, surgeons hope to change the stomach anatomy without any cuts, so that after a small meal, patients will have a feeling of fullness. As the waistline of Americans continues to get larger, bariatric surgery will continue to increase and flourish. With increased knowledge and research, obesity has started to be seen as a molecular disease that has potential molecular explanations. As study continues, bariatric surgery will continue to advance. There may be a time when people will finally be able to avoid this intriguing and dangerous disease called obesity. Does Society Create Monsters? Analysis of Frankenstein Does Society Create Monsters? Analysis of Frankenstein Does Society create monsters or are we born that way? Society is the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community. Does society create monsters or are they formed when someone is born? People in the world love to fit in and do everything one can do to be perfect. Children grow up watching elders and people in the world doing things whether it is good or bad. When people watch someone do something and that person gets attention for it, everyone runs to do that certain thing or wear that certain outfit or talk that certain way because people love attention and now days people are willing to do anything for it. The monster showed significant signs to prove he tried to be good, by trying to help people. The story Frankenstein by Mary Shelly is a story about tragic events that happen because a creature is in need of love and attention, only because the monster sees people giving others love and attention. Victor Frankenstein creates a monster without knowing that there would be negative sides effects to this powerful creation. Not knowing everyone Frankenstein loved would die because of him not making the right choice. The monster never understood what it was like to be treated normal, the only person who even treated him nicely was an old blind man who had no idea what he looked like until his children came home and told him. So should one believe that he was born a monster or did society make him this way? The story A Modest Proposal shows that society can create monsters. The towns people had many problems; the biggest one of all was the children. Many people couldnt afford to have them causing people to lose money and then being forced to live on the streets. Finding a solution to this problem was very difficult but one guy did come up with one and many took it seriously. Many people thought that eating the children and infants would lower the population rate and less people would be forced to live on the streets, because they would have less people/children to fend for. These mothers, instead of being able to work for their honest livelihood, are forced to employ all their time in strolling to beg for sustenance for their helpless infants, who, as they grow up, either turn thieves for want of work, or leave their dear native country to fight for the Pretender in Spain, or sell themselves to the Barbados. (Jonathon Swift) The quote above shows how desperate the mothers and p eople were because of the children. There is an honest question though; if one person had not come up with this idea would anybody else have thought about it? Is society to blame? Although Frankensteins monster made many mistakes and did kill several people because he wanted Frankenstein to be as unhappy as he was, does not mean that he did not have a good heart.  In The Rime of the Ancient Mariner the man sailing on the boat shoots the albatross for no reason but because he wanted to. God save thee, ancient mariner! From the fiends, that plague thee thus! Why lookst thou so? With my crossbow I shot the albatross. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge) The mariner had no reason to shoot it, but because he thought it would be cool and a good idea, to please society. In all truths nobody really agreed with shooting the albatross and everyone got punished for this mistake that could have been prevented. Frankenstein was born and raised with parents who loved and supported him. Yes these people helped raise him and helped him become who he was but nobody forced him to be good or bad. A person could be born good or bad but society does have a big impact and helps one become who they will be for the rest of their life. The innocent and helpless creature bestowed on them by heaven, whom to bring up to good, and whose future lot it was in their hands to direct to happiness or misery, according as they fulfilled their duties towards me. (Mary Shelley) So the question still remains, does society create monsters or are the born that way? With the evidence above could only make one feel that the monster tried to be as good as possible but with the events happening he couldnt truly be happy and every time he tried to find happiness something bad ended up happening. The monster wasnt treated the way he should have been, if society would have treated him better would the monster have hurt all the people he did? Citation Page Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein, Penguin Group, 1963 Swift, Jonathon., A Modest Proposal, Beverly Chin et, al publisher, Glencoe McCraw Hill 518-524 Coleridge, Samuel., Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Beverly Chin et, al publisher, Glencoe McCraw Hill 715-735
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Quantum Of Continuity :: essays research papers
<a href=""> The problem of continuum versus discreteness seems to be related to the issue of infinity and finiteness. The number of points in a line served as the logical floodgate which led to the development of Set Theory by Cantor at the end of the 19th century. It took almost another century to demonstrate the problematic nature of some of Cantor's thinking (Cohen completed Godel's work in 1963). But continuity can be finite and the connection is, most times, misleading rather than illuminating. Intuition tells us that the world is continuous and contiguous. This seems to be a state of things which is devoid of characteristics other than its very existence. And yet, whenever we direct the microscope of scientific discipline at the world, we encounter quantized, segregated, distinct and discrete pictures. This atomization seems to be the natural state of things - why did evolution resort to the false perception of continuum? And how can a machine which is bound to be discrete by virtue of its "naturalness" - the brain - perceive a continuum? The continuum is an external, mental category which is imposed by us on our observations and on the resulting data. It serves as an idealized approximation of reality, a model which is asymptotic to the Universe "as it is". It gives rise to the concepts of quality, emergence, function, derivation, influence (force), interaction, fields, (quantum) measurement, processes and a host of other holistic ways of relating to our environment. The other pole, the quantized model of the world conveniently gives rise to the complementary set of concepts : quantity, causality, observation, (classic) measurement, language, events, quants, units and so on. The private, macroscopic, low velocity instances of our physical descriptions of the universe (theories) tend to be continuous. Newtonian time is equated to a river. Space is a yarn. Einstein was the last classicist (relativity just means that no classical observer has any preference over another in formulating the laws of physics and in performing measurements). His space-time is a four dimensional continuum. What commenced as a matter of mathematical convenience was transformed into a hallowed doctrine : homogeneity, isotropy, symmetry became enshrined as the cornerstones of an almost religious outlook ("God does not play dice"). These were assumed to be "objective", "observer independent" qualities of the Universe. There was supposed to be no preferred direction, no clustering of mass or of energy, no time, charge, or parity asymmetry in elementary particles.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
What is the purpose and role of a résumé?
I think the main purpose of a resume is to provide a company with an overview of your professional achievements and background. Your resume acts as a marketing document, whether on paper or online, and its purpose is to introduce you to potential employers, promote what it is you have to offer and entice them into wanting to know more. According to Lauri Harwood, â€Å"a resume is a brief document, typically one or two pages, that details your qualifications for a particular job or job target.†Describe each main section of a rà ©sumà © from the textbook and what should be included in each of these sections: 1) Contact Information 2) Objective 3) Profile 4) Qualifications 5) Work Experience 6) Related Experience 7) Education Contact Information – The header of your rà ©sumà © should include your name, address, phone number, and email address, if you regularly use it. When submitting a paper version of your rà ©sumà ©, it is visually appealing to use a large font fo r your name. Include both a local and permanent address and a phone number so that an employer can easily reach you.This is especially important for graduating students. â€Å"The objective is a concise statement of your immediate employment goal (not your long-term career goal). It is the first section of the resume, immediately below the contact information on the first page. †A job objective statement shows employers the direction you want to go, your work preferences, and serves as a focal point for employers to review and analyze your rà ©sumà ©. It allows employers to immediately identify the kind of position you want.If you are looking for jobs in a number of different fields, you need to have a different job objective for each position. The profile section is a brief statement that describes you by stating your most relevant experience and qualifications. â€Å"Use a profile instead of an objective on your master resume, if you can describe your qualifications wit h a job title (based on your overall experience, not just your current job), use the title as the heading for this section. †The qualifications section is a bulleted list of skills that highlights why you are the ideal candidate for the job.This is the place to put important or interesting information that does not fit anywhere else. With the advance of technology, it is increasingly important to include a section on computer skills. This should include any of your knowledge of computer programs, hardware, software, database knowledge, or Internet functions. If you have any other notable skills, such as foreign languages, musical talents, or writing skills include these here. In the work experience section of a resume, list the jobs you have held, starting with the most recent one.Start each one with the most important information; your job title and dates of employment. On the next line, list the name of the organization and the city and state, starting on the third line wri te a brief oriented description of your responsibilities. You would use the related experience section to highlight other experiences that relates to your job objective. Include activities such as memberships, awards, and leadership positions earned in professional or trade association such as honorary groups, social, service, and school organizations.In the education section you list your education in reverse chronological order (most recent first). List the technical schools, colleges and universities you have attended, the years of attendance, and the degrees or certificates you earned. In this section, include any information about your degrees, including where and when you graduated; dates; major, minor, or concentration; certification; and academic awards and honors. Make sure you use the official names for schools, degrees and majors/minors. I think you should include your GPA if it is an asset.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Early Christianity Essay
Christianity is one of the biggest religions in the world and is followed mostly all over the world. One of the first of the Christians was the followers of Jesus Christ, a Jew, who taught the way to live for each and every individual. He taught the concept that he is raised from dead that made people to consider the divine. He was celestial and showed people the way to deliverance. This concept increased the number of christens in the Rome and at the end of the fourth century it became the utter religion of the Rome. What were the reasons for the fast spread of Christianity? There were a number of them. Mostly because of the teachings of Jesus, as it tells that there should be love in between all the human beings and there should be equality as well. This encouraged the poor and needy ones to convert. His concept of life after death attracted the people who were feared of there deaths. Decent revolution was another reason for all to be attracted; no matter they are poor or rich. Now what were the diverging views of the roman and Christens? Romans have a concept that a person should live a best possible life in this world and should live a luxurious care free life where as Christianity was not having this concept. According to them a person should live through deliverance so that they could have the best of the life after death. Greek have some valid reason which actually made the Christens to think that was intelligence is through lonely time. This threatened christens that there followers might decrease. This was when church interpretation came into act so that the right thing should be guide and what is the real meaning of bible should be examined. Our acts can not save us from the fire of hell. It is only the teachings of the Jesus which can actually save us from the hell which could make us enter the heavenly life after death. What was the origin of the unity of the human race? What was the origin of human sinfulness? According to Augustine it was the teachings of the Jesus Christ which actually was the origin of the unity of the human race. Jesus taught them that there will be no inequality between the poor and the rich and they are equal to the God. They should live for salvation instead of pleasure. They should love each other and should give respect to each other. No richer people have right to be superior and no poor are inferior to the wealthier one. All are equal and all are human. The only thing they should care for is the life after death and people should live more for that than this life. This concept actually was the origin of the unity as after this there was unity in all race of human. No blacks were accused of being blacks and no whites were to be superior. This was the main origin of equality in human race. Augustine thinks that the desire of people to live as commanded by God so that they could achieve heaven is the main origin of the human race or human equality. Those who lived for this world and they don’t care of the life after death actually gives birth to the human sinfulness. The desire to be wealthier and to increase the standard of living made human to be sinful. The thought of being better than others increased there sinfulness. This desire made them to do more and more sinfulness and actually origin the word of sinfulness. This actually was origin from roman people who wanted better in this life. What are the two cities, city of God and City of men, according to Augustine? What are there implications on the Christen teachings? There are two cities according to Augustine. City of men means this world that is the world according to which a person is judged. It is the world where you can get your pleasure. Whereas the City of God is the life after death, where a person is judged according to there lives. This is the life of heaven or hell and is immortal whereas city of men is temporary and will be finished when Jesus will come again. City of men is dishonest whereas city of God is ideal. This gives christens the concept of life after death and tells them that everyone is judged according to its deeds. It also tells us that this world in not eternal and will be finished as the Jesus will come where as the life after death is forever so we should care for that life. This gives christens the concept and belief in life after death. Who can measure the happiness of haven? Then it tells about the heaven where all will be happy and satisfied and they will be able to do whatever they want. They can live through there desires. Everywhere will be satisfaction and it is a place of spirits. There would be no evil at all. Later christens started hating Jews as they thought that hating Jews is right. As God hates Jewish people so they also started hating Jews. They stopped going to occasions of Jews. Saints started teaching Christens against Jews and that the Jews are the worst of the people. There is a disease in Jews that may cause some Christian’s attraction towards them. This disease is needed to be cured. Now what is this Disease? This disease is not a medical disease. It is about the ‘Judaizing disease’ that means spreading of Judaism. They are to launch on christens to attend there festival and to fast with them. Some of the Christens who thinks that Jews have the same thinking as they have will go for it and will attend there festivals. This will cause people to accept Judaism. This is the fear of some christens and they wanted this disease to be finished. The disease is the spreading of Judaism not any medical disease and it should be finished with the help of the teachings of Bible by saints.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Macbeth Critisism essays
Macbeth Critisism essays Macbeth Essay As I first started to watch the movie, Macbeth, I thought that it would be boring, poorly acted, and not truly portray the play. I knew I had made my decision too quickly as the movie proceeded; and by the end of the movie I was mesmerized by the quality of the actors, how the simplicity made following and understanding easier, and how exact the dialogue was to the play. One of my favorite characters was Lady Macbeth because she put her heart into every line, and burst at the seams with emotion. I was impressed by the way she showed love for her husband, disgust towards him, regret, and disgust with herself. She best showed these feelings through her facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice. In the scene where she was sleepwalking, she really looked as through she was in a deep sleepwalk. The look of disappointment and regret in her face and words were so real. Lady Macbeth wore a plain styled gray dress that looked very dated and her hair pulled up into a cap gave a clear view of her face. Her simple dress was worn to show humbleness and purity, which is ironic because towards the end of the movie she disparately wanted to be purified of her horrible deeds. Macbeths character was also very well performed. Throughout the entire movie there was a sense of passion that made me wish I was in the audience to experience more intensely. The feelings of hope, confusion, guilt, and greed were successfully portrayed better than I had expected. I really got interested in his character about half way through the movie, as everyone started to catch on to Macbeths traitorous murders, he became more and more insane. If I hadnt read the play before seeing this movie, I would question why they dressed Macbeth in such sly and creepy clothes. He wore a very modern black leather jacket, black shirt, and black pants. His face was almost white and his hair was sli...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Great Britain Geography, History, and Economy Facts
Great Britain Geography, History, and Economy Facts Great Britain is an island located within the British Isles and it is the ninth largest island in the world and the largest in Europe. It is located to the northwest of continental Europe and it is home to the United Kingdom which includes Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland (not actually on the island of Great Britain). Great Britain has a total area of 88,745 square miles (229,848 sq km) and a population of about 65 million people (2016 estimate). The island of Great Britain is known for the global city of London, England as well as smaller cities like Edinburgh, Scotland. In addition, Great Britain is known for its history, historic architecture and natural environment. Over 500,000 Years of History The island of Great Britain has been inhabited by early humans for at least 500,000 years. It is believed that these humans crossed a land bridge from continental Europe at that time. Modern humans have been in Great Britain for about 30,000 years and until the about 12,000 years ago archeological evidence shows that they moved back and forth between the island and continental Europe via a land bridge. This land bridge closed and Great Britain became an island at the end of the last glaciation. A History of Invasions Throughout its modern human history, Great Britain was invaded several times. For example in 55 B.C.E., the Romans invaded the region and it became a part of the Roman Empire. The island was also controlled by various tribes and was invaded several times. In 1066 the island was a part of the Norman Conquest and this began the cultural and political development of the area. Throughout the decades following the Norman Conquest, Great Britain was ruled by several different kings and queens and it was also a part of several different treaties between the countries on the island. About the Name Britain The use of the name Britain dates back to the time of Aristotle, however, the term Great Britain was not officially used until 1474 when a marriage proposal between Edward IV of Englands daughter, Cecily, and James IV of Scotland was written. Today the term is used to specifically refer to the largest island within the United Kingdom or to the unit of England, Scotland, and Wales. What Great Britain Encapsulates Today Today in terms of its politics the name Great Britain refers to England, Scotland and Wales because they are on the United Kingdoms largest island. In addition, Great Britain also includes the outlying areas of Isle of Wight, Anglesey, the Isles of Scilly, the Hebrides and the remote island groups of Orkney and Shetland. These outlying areas are considered a part of Great Britain because they are parts of England, Scotland or Wales. Where Is Great Britain on a Map? Great Britain is located to the northwest of continental Europe and east of Ireland. The North Sea and the English Channel separate it from Europe, however, the Channel Tunnel, the longest undersea rail tunnel in the world, connects it with continental Europe. The topography of Great Britain consists mainly of low gently rolling hills in the eastern and southern portions of the island and hills and low mountains in the western and northern regions. The Regions Climate The climate of Great Britain is temperate and it is moderated by the Gulf Stream. The region is known for being cool and cloudy during the winter and the western parts of the island are windy and rainy because they are more influenced by the ocean. The eastern parts are drier and less windy. London, the largest city on the island, has an average January low temperature of 36 F (2.4 C) and a July average temperature of 73 F (23 C). Fauna and Animal Species Despite its large size, the island of Great Britain has a small amount of fauna. This is because it has been rapidly industrialized in recent decades and this has caused habitat destruction across the island. As a result, there are very few large mammal species in Great Britain and rodents like squirrels, mice and beaver make up 40% of the mammal species there. In terms of Great Britains flora, there is a large variety of trees and 1,500 species of wildflower. Population and Ethnic Groups Great Britain has a population of about 60 million people (2009 estimate) and a population density of 717 persons per square mile (277 persons per square kilometer). The main ethnic group of Great Britain is British - particularly those who are Cornish, English, Scottish or Welsh. The Main Cities There are several large cities on the island of Great Britain but the largest is London, the capital of England and the United Kingdom. Other large cities include Birmingham, Bristol, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester. About the Economy Great Britains United Kingdom has the third largest economy in Europe. The majority of the UKs and Great Britains economy is within the service and industrial sectors but there is also ​a small amount of agriculture. The main industries are machine tools, electric power equipment, automation equipment, railroad equipment, shipbuilding, aircraft, motor vehicles, electronics and communications equipment, metals, chemicals, coal, petroleum, paper products, food processing, textiles, and clothing. Agricultural products include are cereals, oilseed, potatoes, vegetables cattle, sheep, poultry, and fish.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Classroom Door Decorations - Ideas for All Seasons
Classroom Door Decorations - Ideas for All Seasons Your classroom door is the first thing people see when they walk past your classroom. To make sure your door stands out, take the time to create a unique display that represents your students or your teaching style. Create your classroom door decoration display by yourself, or enlist your students to help. By adding a little color and imagination to your classroom, you will have your students beaming with excitement. Fall Sweet Back to School Display A fun and tasty way to welcome your students back to school is to create a door display titled Off to a SWEET Start. Create giant cupcakes and write each students name on each one using sprinkles and glue. For the background, buy pink wrapping paper or use a colorful plastic table cloth. Mount a few colorful, edible lollipops for the students to eat later, and you have yourself a sweet back to school door display. Winter Happy Holidays To create a fantastic winter door display, have each student trace and cut out a medium sized green star. Then have each student place a photograph of themselves on the center of the star. Next, have students decorate stars with craft supplies such as sequins, glitter, markers, pom-poms, rhinestones, ribbon, etc. Once stars are completed, display them in the shape of a Christmas tree with your star in the center. Use red wrapping paper for the background, and brown paper for the stem of the tree. For an added touch, place Christmas lights around and/or throughout the tree. Spring Look at our Garden Grow After a long winter, spring into the season with a cute door decoration that will have the students and faculty beaming when they walk by. Have each student create a flower out of colored construction paper. On each pedal have them write something they have learned so far throughout the school year. Then place their photo in the middle of the flower and on the stem write their name in glitter. To create the backdrop use blue paper to represent the sky, yellow paper to represent the sun and green paper to use as the grass. Mount the flowers all around the grass in various sizes and title it Look at our Garden Grow. Summer End-of-the-Year Display A fun and unique way to end the school year and lead into summer vacation is to enlist the help of your students to create a picnic display. To begin have each student decorate a paper plate with a photo of their self and a favorite memory they have from the school year. Mount the paper plates on a checkered table cloth background and title it _____ Grade Was †¦ A Picnic! For a fun (and gross) touch have students create little ants to place around the classroom door. Additional Ideas Here are a few other ideas I have seen in the classroom, around the internet or made up on my own: Cruising into a New School Year - Create a sea blue backdrop and mount boating and sea items.We are a Class to Tweet About - Mount birds or write Twitter phrases about your students.You Make our School Pop - Create a HUGE popcorn bag and write students names on the kernel.Welcome to the Best Place to Bee - Create a bee hive and place students names on each bee.Mrs._____ Class is Souring to New Heights - Create a HUGE hot air balloon and place students names on each balloon.Hopping into ______ Grade. - Create paper frogs and place each students name on one. Looking for more ideas? Here a few creative bulletin board ideas to try in your classroom.
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