Thursday, November 14, 2019

Current Research on a New Spacecraft Autonomy Architecture named Remote

Remote Agent Part 1: Introduction to Spacecraft Autonomy Abstract This first paper of a two-part series introduces current research on a new spacecraft autonomy architecture, named Remote Agent, which applies artificial intelligence techniques to spacecraft control functions. The necessity for autonomy technology is nowhere greater than in deep space missions. Remote Agent is a model-based autonomous system being developed in a collaborative effort between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Ames Research Center. This spacecraft control scheme is composed of three parts that work together: 1) the Planner-Scheduler, 2) Mode Identification and Recovery, and 3) the Smart Executive. Models of the spacecraft's components and environment are given to Remote Agent and it figures out the necessary detailed operating procedures on its own. Because autonomy improves mission performance and reduces costs, autonomously controlled spacecraft will become more prominent in future space missions. Introduction The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is being confronted with the challenge to perform more frequent and intensive space-exploration missions at greatly reduced cost. Nowhere is this more crucial than among robotic planetary exploration missions that the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) conducts for NASA. This paper describes current research on a new spacecraft autonomy architecture using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to challenging computational problems in planning and scheduling, and real-time monitoring and control. Work on this software package combines research from diverse areas of AI such as model-based reasoning, qualitative reasoning, planning an... ...-122. 2. "Automata Theory", The New Encyclopedia Brittanica , Vol. 14, 1987 ed., pp 520-28. 3. Williams, Brian C., and P. Pandurang Nayak, Immobile Robots: AI in the New Millennium , AI Magazine, Fall 1996, pp. 16-35. 4. Wan, D., Braspenning, P., and G. Vreeswijk, Limits to Ground Control in Autonomous Spacecraft , Telematics and Infomatics, Vol. 12, No. 3/4, pp 247-59. 5. Schilling, K., De LaFontaine, J., and H. Roth, Autonomy Capabilities of European Deep Space Probes , Autonomous Robots, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1996, pp 19-30. 6. NASA New Millennium Program website, [ ] 7. Hanson, Mark L., and Lorraine M. Fesq, A Software Architecture for Next Generation Satellites , TRW Space and Electronics Group, Redondo Beach, CA, Presented at the 1997 Highly Autonomous Systems Workshop, Pasadena, CA, April 10-11, 1997.

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